revised patch to qsort

djamel anonymous
Tue Jun 27 12:56:00 GMT 2006

hello all, after my last mail i made a search on this mailing list i 
discovered that there has already been a proposed version by wolfgang glas 
dated 8 Jun 2004.the reason for which the sugestion was rejected
was because the standard requires omparison function be passed only pointers 
from the original array.
i revised my own version to call the comparison function with arguments only 
from the original array.
by benchmarking on an array of 2 millions 32 bits unsigned integers on 
athlon xp 1700+ i found the following results:
random aray:
original qsort 1.93 seconds
modified qsort 1.60 secons
reverse sorted aray:
original qsort 1.32 seconds
modified qsort 0.94 secons
i have attached only the modified version of the file msort.c
best regards.

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