String Functions for x86-64

Brunner, Richard
Mon Jun 12 17:07:00 GMT 2006


My apologies in advance if this is stated/discussed elsewhere.
I think what we are trying to clarify is the process that
we should follow in submitting patches for review. From
observation of this thread, it seems it might be:

1) Submit the patch following the proper coding guidelines.

2) If there exists relevant test suites, reply to the parent
   post showing that the tests pass with the inclusion of the 

3) Reply to the parent post with data showing the performance
   and accuracy of relevant routines by inclusion of the patch.

4) The poster should try to show the performance
   impact of the patch across the affected range of machines.
   If the machines are not available to the poster after a 
   good faith effort by the poster, perhaps he can ask for help
   from the community?

5) Ask for community feedback. If other vendors have feedback
   or issues, they should post to the list also. The process
   should be open for all.

6) Poster incorporates feedback and tries again when relevant.

I'd like to encourage other folks from this community to help
us understand this process. If I have made mistakes
or omitted anything important, please chime in.


	-Rich Brunner, AMD

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