Robert Millan rmh@aybabtu.com
Wed Feb 22 08:18:00 GMT 2006

Linux only knows ENODATA, and kFreeBSD only knows ENOATTR.  So I think it's no
big deal if we just define ENODATA as an alias for ENOATTR in our sysdeps.

EDOOFUS seems to be a funny way of telling the programmer that per did something
unsupported by the API.  There's a long discussion about this errno code pissing
off Apple Darwin developers which pretty much clarifies it:


Looks like EGREGIOUS makes the fit:

  @comment errno.h
  @comment GNU: You really blew it this time
  @deftypevr Macro int EGREGIOUS
  @comment errno 103 @c DO NOT REMOVE
  You did @strong{what}?
  @end deftypevr

So I'll add it as an alias in our sysdeps, too.

Thanks for the tips!

Robert Millan

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