Latest Glibc has iconv/gconv problems crashing Samba
Wed Feb 15 18:16:00 GMT 2006

Actually, it seems that it's NOT only a samba related issue. I had 
it to the 
samba team and they were saying it was a glibc error and to not use glibc 
development code since it was experimental to run samba. Upon further 
testing other 
applications, I noticed when running xine (from xine-ui), it gave the 
*exact* same error that samba was giving. "gconv_db.c:232: 
__gconv_release_step: Assertion `step->__end_fct == ((void *)0)' failed.
". Again, gconv_db.c is only located in the glibc cvs code. Since it 
effect's more then just samba, it definately doesn't look like a samba 
only related issue. Again, This only started happening using glibc from 
sometime between Dec 1st-18th. I still think it has something to do with 
(iconv/gconv_db.c) changes that were made during that time.

My system
P4 3.2Ghz (2gigs x RAM)
Slackware 10.2
Linux 2.6.16-rc3
GCC 4.0.3 (20060209)
Glibc (20060214)

> I have been tackling this issues for about 2 months now and tracked down
> the problem to Glibc's cvs date sometime between Dec 1-18th. When trying
> to run Samba, It crashes with an INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 6. After reading
> the log, it shows the following...

did you not read my reply last time you posted to the list about this 
issue ?

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