Dealing with GNU/kFreeBSD bugs/notes.

Dwayne Grant McConnell
Thu Feb 9 21:15:00 GMT 2006

We have three GNU/kFreeBSD specific bugs right now

I also see that a recent GNU/kFreeBSD request was answered in the negative

>From a bug triage perspective is there anything I could do on the bugs 
above? Do the ones that include code changes need testcases? (It seems 
they could only have meaningful testcases for GNU/kFreeBSD.)

Is there a general principle which determines what GNU/kFreeBSD items will 
or will not go into libc?

I could put a note in the bug saying "Looked at for bug triage. No action 
needed." or we could have a bugzilla flag to that effect. Or perhaps it is 
sufficient to put "examined: +" and "testcase: n/a" where "n/a" would mean 
not applicable.

Of course the questions apply to other non-primary ports and possibly 
other cases I can't think of.

Thanks for your thoughts,

Dwayne Grant McConnell <>
Lotus Notes Mail: Dwayne McConnell [Mail]/Austin/IBM@IBMUS
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