[Freedce-devel] pthread_clear_exit_np()

thomas.schuetzkowski@web.de thomas.schuetzkowski@web.de
Fri Apr 21 18:17:00 GMT 2006

Hi Luke,

> To make this work with libc we need to "un-cancel" a thread. 
> ...
> Of course, using this in a third-party application is problematic as it
> depends on internal glibc structures.
> I know the chances of such an API being added to glibc are about nil, but
> I thought I'd mention this anyway! :-)

We thought about adding a detection of the glibc version to autoconf stuff and choose the right version of the function. (see Loic's patch)
Then of course someone has to maintain this for every new version of glibc. :-(

This idea was skipped, because no one had the time to do this.

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