Piecemeal library loading causes slow startup of big apps

Petter Reinholdtsen pere@hungry.com
Tue Sep 13 17:28:00 GMT 2005

[Lorenzo Colitti]
> as my google SoC project I have been working on improving GNOME
> startup time, and I see that dynamic linking is one of the culprits.

Are you aware of the efforts in fedora, gentoo, ubuntu and debian to
improve the boot speed?  One of the implemented solutions are called
readahead, where one measure the files used during the boot, and start
a process early in the boot to tell the kernel to load these files
into memory before they are actually needed.  This sounds very much
like the problem you are trying to solve.  Making sure all files
needed by the programs executed during the boot are pre-loaded into
memory is able to cut 10-20% off the boot time.

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