ARM dynamic linking

Daniel Jacobowitz
Fri Dec 30 21:44:00 GMT 2005

On Thu, Dec 29, 2005 at 10:09:34AM +0100, wrote:
> arm-elf-ld  -shared dyn.o                            -o dyn.ld
> arm-elf-ld -r  main.o  other.o system.o static.o     -o main.ld
> arm-elf-ld  main.ld  dyn.ld                          -o out.a

Do not do this.  You should never use "ld" directly to link, if you
don't already know a great deal about the way GCC invokes ld; all the
options, libraries, et cetera it passes are important!

> arm-elf-gcc -c -nostdlib calc_mean.c -o calc_mean.o
> arm-elf-ar  rcs libmean.a      calc_mean.o
> arm-elf-gcc -c -nostdlib -fPIC calc_mean.c -o calc_mean_dyn.o
> arm-elf-gcc -shared -nostdlib --verbose -Wl,-soname, -o
>  calc_mean_dyn.o
> arm-elf-gcc  -static -nostdlib --verbose main.c -L. -lmean -o
> statically_linked
> arm-elf-gcc main.c -nostdlib --verbose -o dynamically_linked -L. -lmean

Don't use -nostdlib when linking and expect the result to work without
a lot more handholding (startup files, et cetera - especially important
for dynamic linking).

-lmean will search first for "" and then for "libmean.a".  If
you creat, you need to create a -> symlink, also.  -Wl,--verbose would show you what the
linker searched for.

Daniel Jacobowitz
CodeSourcery, LLC

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