Takács Áron
Thu Aug 25 16:35:00 GMT 2005
> On Wed, Aug 24, 2005 at 01:52:04PM +0200, Takács Áron wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I don't know, if this is the right place to ask this question, if not,
> > let me know the correct one.
> Hi,
> You may try libc-locales instead.
> > I want to install locales on an (ARM) embedded board. I have
> > glibc-2.3.1, copied the i18n directory and the "locale" and "localedef"
> > onto my board. Running "localedef -a" gives "C" and "POSIX". I think these
> > are the default values. Now I run localedef:
> >
> > localedef -c -v -f ISO-8859-1 -i en_GB /usr/lib/locale/en_GB
> >
> > and I get a lot of error messages:
> Remove the -v flag, it reports many false positive errors.
> Denis
Hi Denis,
Thank you for your answer. I've posted the problem to libc-locales. I have
found in the libc FAQ the following:
> 2.11. Programs using libc have their messages translated, but other behavior
is not localized (e.g. collating order); why?
> {ZW} Translated messages are automatically installed, but the locale
database that controls other behaviors is not.
This means that I don't need to install locales to have my program messages
translated? While reading the gettext function's manual I thought I need to
install locales. But I only need message translation, so if there's a way to
do this without locales, please let me know.
Thank you very much for your help!
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