TSD destructors not being called for initial thread

Boris Kolpackov boris@kolpackov.net
Wed Mar 31 19:35:00 GMT 2004

Hi Kaz,
> > Also it never says that this does not apply to the initial thread.
> That is true. However, there are no guarantees about how soon the
> cleanup happens. If the cleanup is delayed until the process
> terminates, then it's okay for it not to happen.

Says who? What if I allocate some non-local (process-wise) resources
and need to release them?

> The spec doesn't say that the first destructor must be called within X
> milliseconds of the pthread_exit().

Well, I would expect that destructors will be called right after
the stack has been unwound. But of course there is always a way
to astonish people and be compliant ;-)

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