[alpha] special case remqu power of 2

rth@twiddle.net rth@twiddle.net
Wed Mar 31 07:06:00 GMT 2004

I verified that the extra checks fit into existing schedule
bubbles on ev4 and ev6, so the common case isn't affected
at all.


Index: sysdeps/alpha/remqu.S
RCS file: /cvs/glibc/libc/sysdeps/alpha/remqu.S,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -p -d -r1.7 remqu.S
*** sysdeps/alpha/remqu.S	27 Mar 2004 00:32:28 -0000	1.7
--- sysdeps/alpha/remqu.S	31 Mar 2004 02:31:20 -0000
*************** __remqu:
*** 54,77 ****
  	   going to use the results.  */
  	stq	X, 16(sp)
  	stq	Y, 24(sp)
  	stt	$f0, 0(sp)
  	stt	$f1, 8(sp)
  	cfi_rel_offset ($f0, 0)
  	cfi_rel_offset ($f1, 8)
  	ldt	$f0, 16(sp)
  	ldt	$f1, 24(sp)
  	cvtqt	$f0, $f0
  	cvtqt	$f1, $f1
  	blt	X, $x_is_neg
  	divt/c	$f0, $f1, $f0
  	/* Check to see if Y was mis-converted as signed value.  */
  	ldt	$f1, 8(sp)
- 	unop
- 	nop
  	blt	Y, $y_is_neg
  	/* Check to see if X fit in the double as an exact value.  */
--- 54,78 ----
  	   going to use the results.  */
  	stq	X, 16(sp)
  	stq	Y, 24(sp)
! 	subq	Y, 1, AT
  	stt	$f0, 0(sp)
+ 	and	Y, AT, AT
  	stt	$f1, 8(sp)
+ 	beq	AT, $powerof2
  	cfi_rel_offset ($f0, 0)
  	cfi_rel_offset ($f1, 8)
  	ldt	$f0, 16(sp)
  	ldt	$f1, 24(sp)
  	cvtqt	$f0, $f0
  	cvtqt	$f1, $f1
  	blt	X, $x_is_neg
  	divt/c	$f0, $f1, $f0
  	/* Check to see if Y was mis-converted as signed value.  */
  	ldt	$f1, 8(sp)
  	blt	Y, $y_is_neg
  	/* Check to see if X fit in the double as an exact value.  */
*************** $y_is_neg:
*** 242,247 ****
--- 243,258 ----
  	lda	sp, FRAME(sp)
  	cfi_restore ($f0)
+ 	cfi_def_cfa_offset (0)
+ 	ret	$31, (RA), 1
+ 	.align	4
+ 	cfi_def_cfa_offset (FRAME)
+ $powerof2:
+ 	subq	Y, 1, AT
+ 	and	X, AT, RV
+ 	lda	sp, FRAME(sp)
  	cfi_def_cfa_offset (0)
  	ret	$31, (RA), 1

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