kernel 2.6 with powepc64 problems

Steve Munroe
Thu Mar 25 22:12:00 GMT 2004

Rafael Ávila de Espíndola wrote on 03/25/2004 03:51:09 PM:

> I am trying to cross compile the CVS HEAD version of libc for the 
powepc64. A
> I am using headers from kernel 2.6.4.
> The problem with --without-tls  was solved by the a recent patch (thanks 

> Steve).
> Now I build fails at:

I am not sure how start.S includes linux/posix_types.h. It is not directly 
included. Perhaps the kernel headers are missing #ifdef __KERNEL__ guards 
again. Need to see the -E -dD output to know.

Did you run make -ARCH=ppc64 oldconfig on your kernel before collecting 
the headers?

Todays glibc builds fine for me. I suspect a configure or kernel header 

Steven J. Munroe
Linux on Power Toolchain Architect
IBM Corporation, Linux Technology Center

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