[PATCH] PPC Linuxthreads --without-tls build breaks

Steve Munroe sjmunroe@us.ibm.com
Wed Mar 24 22:05:00 GMT 2004

Rafael Ávila de Espíndola writes:

 > linuxthreads/sysdeps/powerpc/tcb-offsets.sym need a tcbhead_t
 > definition if USE_TLS is not defined. But
 > linuxthreads/sysdeps/powerpc/tls.h only defines  tcbhead_t if
 > HAVE_TLS_SUPPORT is defined or if  __powerpc64__ is not defined.
 > This causes the build to fail:

The "&& !defined __powerpc64__" clause in tls.h is no long necessary for 
powerpc64. The following patch removes it. I have tested 32-/64-bit 
powerpc and --with-tls/--without_tls with this patch and all four build 
and run make check successfully.

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