glibc bugzilla mailing lists
Roland McGrath
Sat Mar 20 02:47:00 GMT 2004
There are two new mailing lists you can subscribe to that will get email
updates from bugzilla for new bugs and changes to existing reports. (That
is, all the same email you get when you are on the CC list for a bug.)
Please DO NOT POST to these mailing lists. They are just for keeping track
of bugzilla. If you have comments on specific issues, add a comment to the
bugzilla report. If you have general issues to raise, post here on libc-alpha.
If you have issues with the mailing list setup itself, talk to me directly.
If you would like to see updates for each and every glibc bug, mail:
If you would like to see updates for bugs in the `regex' component (hi
Paolo ;-), mail:
If people would like additional per-component mailing lists, I can get
those set up the same way.
More information about the Libc-alpha
mailing list