another symbol versioning problem

Richard Henderson
Wed Mar 10 09:40:00 GMT 2004

With --enable-oldest-abi=2.3.4 I get 

/usr/bin/ld: /usr/src/glibc/build/elf/ undefined versioned symbol name errno@GLIBC_2.3.4

This fixes it.


2004-03-10  Richard Henderson  <>

	* sysdeps/generic/errno.c: Disable versioning for rtld.

Index: errno.c
RCS file: /cvs/glibc/libc/sysdeps/generic/errno.c,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -c -p -d -r1.4 errno.c
*** errno.c	15 Nov 2002 03:36:51 -0000	1.4
--- errno.c	10 Mar 2004 09:37:52 -0000
*************** extern __thread int __libc_errno __attri
*** 32,40 ****
  int errno __attribute__ ((section (".bss")));
  strong_alias (errno, _errno)
! /* We declare these with compat_symbol so that they are not
!    visible at link time.  Programs must use the accessor functions.  */
! # if defined HAVE_ELF && defined SHARED && defined DO_VERSIONING
  #  include <shlib-compat.h>
  compat_symbol (libc, errno, errno, GLIBC_2_0);
  compat_symbol (libc, _errno, _errno, GLIBC_2_0);
--- 32,42 ----
  int errno __attribute__ ((section (".bss")));
  strong_alias (errno, _errno)
! /* We declare these with compat_symbol so that they are not visible at
!    link time.  Programs must use the accessor functions.  RTLD is special,
!    since it's not exported from there at any time.  */
! # if defined HAVE_ELF && defined SHARED && defined DO_VERSIONING \
!      && !defined IS_IN_rtld
  #  include <shlib-compat.h>
  compat_symbol (libc, errno, errno, GLIBC_2_0);
  compat_symbol (libc, _errno, _errno, GLIBC_2_0);

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