[PATCH] nptl improve tst-context1.c to catch buffer overruns, 2nd

Steve Munroe sjmunroe@us.ibm.com
Tue Jun 15 22:14:00 GMT 2004

Oops attached the wrong patch the previous email this topic. This email 
includes the correct patch.

This patch improves the coverage of tst-context1.c to check for buffer 
overruns of the ucontext struct in the get/swapcontext functions.

Defined a new struct tst_context_t to append guard words following each 
ucontext_t in the ctx array.  Function tf() initializes the guard words 
and uc_link before calls to makecontext and swapcontext.  Then fct() can 
check for any changes to the guard words and verify that uc_link is 
still valid.

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