[PATCH] REPOST: ARM big-endian strlen() fix
Dan Kegel
Sat Jun 12 22:48:00 GMT 2004
Krzysztof Halasa wrote:
> Dan Kegel <dank@kegel.com> writes:
>> Absolutely. I'm trying to train the
>> linux-arm-toolchain@lists.arm.linux.org.uk
>> folks to always include the URL of the bug report and of the origin of
>> the patch when proposing patches. I'll make sure they know that a glibc
>> bugzilla number will help their patches get heard.
> Obviously, I'm not a member of linux-arm-toolchain list (at least yet,
> I didn't know such list existed),
It was created just a couple days ago. (I would have thought the
crossgcc mailing list was good enough, but it doesn't hurt to have
an arm-specific toolchain list.)
> didn't know that a preferred way to
> submit patches is bugzilla (asked here, no one responded),
glibc only started using Bugzilla a couple months ago, it's not surprising
the word hasn't really gotten out yet.
> and origin of
> this particular patch is me, spotted the (quite trivial) bug while
> building binutils, gcc and glibc for ixp425.
Right, it just happens to be nearly identical to an earlier posted patch.
I guess the only thing you did wrong was forget the Changelog entry.
Thanks for posting your patch, hope to see you on the linux-arm-toolchain
- Dan
My technical stuff: http://kegel.com
My politics: see http://www.misleader.org for examples of why I'm for regime change
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