timezone dst transition

Eisenhut, Daniel (MED) Daniel.Eisenhut@med.ge.com
Wed Jun 9 13:48:00 GMT 2004

To list,

I have a general glibc question and I'm not sure where to ask it, so
please direct me to the correct forum if this is not it.  Thanks...

I'm working on an application that needs to know the date and time of
the next transition to or from daylight savings time.  Using tzset() I
can obtain the names of the timezones and using "daylight" determine if
daylight savings time might apply, but I don't see a way to access the
tz_rules array that contains the "time_t change" entry in the struct
located in glibc/time/tzset.c.  I could always parse the TZif file to
obtain all the transitions and figure out which is the next one myself,
but this seems silly since I know it has already been done elsewhere.
Is there any perferred way to access this information?


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