POSIX AIO implementation of glibc

chinmay albal albal@in.ibm.com
Wed Jun 2 11:24:00 GMT 2004

I had looked at the code in the glibc-2.3.3-97 (but not the cvsweb)
before I made this post.  

I asked this question because the libaio.spec file of libaio-0.3.99 has
a line saying "The POSIX async I/O facility requires this library in
order to provide kernel-accelerated async I/O capabilities " and there
were some glibc patches (http://www.kvack.org/~blah/aio/glibc/) given by
Ben LaHaise to add this support. 

My only intention was to find out if there was some plan for merging the
two. Web searches to check for this thread hadn't helped much and hence
this question.

Probably I had to frame the question in a better way .

- Chinmay

On Tue, 2004-06-01 at 15:13, chinmay albal wrote:
> Hi,
> Does the latest POSIX AIO implementation of glibc make use of the native
> kernel AIO interface or is it still the userlevel implementation which
> uses threads for handling the enqueued requests.?
> - Chinmay

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