Hu, Boris
Tue Jul 27 15:08:00 GMT 2004
> Stop sending all these masses of text here. People who are interested
> in this will subscribe to your mailing lists.
Agreed, too big. We will post only the announce and URL from now.
> Since you proved to be
> unwilling to make adjustments which would ever allow to accept any of
> your changes into glibc there is absolutely no justification to send
> this here.
I am not sure what mean of "we proved to be unwilling to make
adjustments which would ever allow". Does it mean you suggest we
use sys_futex instead of creating a new bundle of system calls?
If it is, I'd like to give some my reasons.
* It has been stated by many people on lkml that multiplexing
syscalls is not desirable. For that reason, Inaky implemented
the kernel patch using different system calls.
* It is a different interface.
* Last year you asked for splitting of the patch. Inaky gave
you a list of reasons why that was not that doable. He has
done as much splitting as possible now in the latest kernel code.
You can find the more details in our OLS paper:
http://developer.osdl.org/dev/robustmutexes/OLS-2004-Slides.sxi and
Boris Hu (Hu Jiangtao)
There are my thoughts, not my employer's.
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