Hu, Boris
Sat Jul 24 06:46:00 GMT 2004
Dear All,
I am pleased to announce rtnptl-2.3 is out.
Changes from 2.2
* The requeue feature of robust condvar has been enabled.
* The relative timeout timespec in timed functions has been replaced
with absolute timeout timespec with the fusyn support.
* The default mutex unlocking mode can be selected automatically by the
fusyn kernel.
* The arch-independent codes in lowlevellock.h have been moved to
lowlevelrtlock.h at upper directory.
* Some bug fixes.
Rtnpl is based on the latest GLIBC and the following Real-time features
have been implemented:
- Robust Mutexes
- Priority Inheritance
- Priority Protection
- Robust Condvar
Currently it works on both x86, ia64 and powerpc.
It is required FUSYN(Fast User SYNChronization) kernel:
The installation manual can be found at:
You could find our CVS repository with the following steps:
# To get the latest fusyn codes
$ export CVSROOT=:pserver:cvsanon@developer.osdl.org/repos
$ cvs login #(no password, just hit enter)
$ cvs co -r fusyn___branch robustmutexes/fusyn
# To get the latest rtnptl codes + the latest glibc code
$ cvs co -r rtnptl___branch robustmutexes/rtnptl
You'll need the latest glibc cvs sources, if you'd like to apply the
patch by yourself (NOTE: The parameter "-E" of patch command is required
to remove some empty files.).
All the rtnptl patches can be found at
Any feedback, bug reports, and bug fixes are highly appreciated. Thanks.
Boris Hu (Hu Jiangtao)
Software Engineer
Intel China Software Center
iNET: 8-752-1277
There are my thoughts, not my employer's.
"gpg --recv-keys --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net 0FD7685F"
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