bring mips*-linux back to a buildable state

Alexandre Oliva
Tue Jul 20 09:23:00 GMT 2004

On Jul 19, 2004, Andreas Jaeger <> wrote:

> Alexandre Oliva <> writes:
>> These patches gets all 3 ABIs of mips64-linux to build and work again.

> Can you send them separtly, so that it's easier to comment on them?

As soon as syou get syscall-*.h to include sgidefs.h, you get a
problem at install time if sgidefs.h happens to have been installed
before: syscall-*.h is (re)built at install time, and, because of the
include flags we had, it would end up with a dependency on sgidefs.h
in the install tree.  After installing the generated syscall-*.h file,
we'd install a new copy of sgidefs.h, which would get a newer
timestamp than the generated syscall-*.h, so we'd create it again,
install it again, install sgidefs.h again.  Wash, rinse and repeat

The fix is to make sure syscall-*.h does not get sgidefs.h from the
install tree.

While at that, I noticed other syscall-*.h rules had been updated so
as to sort the syscall names in the generated header file, so I did
the same in the mips rules.

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Alexandre Oliva   
Red Hat Compiler Engineer   aoliva@{,}
Free Software Evangelist  oliva@{,}

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