[patch] ko_KR locale

Jungshik Shin jshin@mailaps.org
Tue Jan 27 04:06:00 GMT 2004

On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Ulrich Drepper wrote:
> Jungshik Shin wrote:
> > I sent the following message around Christmas. I'm wondering if you've
> > had a chance to take a look
> I somebody looked at it I would have expected fixes in the tree or some
> form of notification.  I haven't seen either.  And in case you refer to
> me with your "you", this issue isn't close to the top of my to-do list.

All right. I thought (from your previous reply) that you might have
a response a la 'aha.. this is caused by such and such'. Anyway, I'll
take a look. BTW, if it turns out that it'd not be easy to fix, would
you consider accepting a temporary work-around of listing characters
one by one in the locale definition file for ko_KR I sent earlier?


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