Proposal for new element(s) in LC_CTYPE

Hamed Malek
Mon Jan 19 13:30:00 GMT 2004

On Mon, 2004-01-19 at 16:26, Danilo Segan wrote:
> Hamed Malek <> writes:
> [snip]
> > We add one new element like "posix_compliance". This element accept a
> > string of some specific characters like 'd' for decimal_point or 't' for
> > thousands-sep. 
> It seems to me this is what multiple locales are for, and free-form
> modifiers, eg.  you would define xx_YY and xx_YY@posix.  You can of
> course inherit most of the common stuff between locales using "copy"
> keyword in most categories.
> Though, it's fairly likely that I didn't really understand you
> intentions, so I may be wrong.
This element doesn't mean to copy the POSIX locale informations.

Actually, we need this element to work only for none-I18n numbers. I
mean the numbers which doesn't use 'I' flag. This element give us the
ability to control them.
We Also use I18n numbers (the numbers which uses 'I' flag as a prefix in
printf). For these numbers, this flag won't have meaning. And so won't
change them. Take a look at my example there.

This changes should be done in our patch in vfprintf.c and printf_fp.c


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