rename Luganda locale
Bruno Haible
Sun Jan 18 15:22:00 GMT 2004
There was confusion in the past about whether the ISO 639 language code of
Ganda (Luganda) was "lg" or "lug". As we can read in
"lg" is valid. There is no need to use the three-letter code "lug" any more
after the confusion has cleaned up. The Free Translation Project uses the
code "lg" as well.
So here is a patch to rename the locale from "lug_UG" to "lg_UG".
Users can set their LANGUAGE variable to "lg:lug" for the transition period
if necessary.
2004-01-18 Bruno Haible <>
* locales/lg_UG: Renamed from lug_UG, with trivial updates.
* locales/lug_UG: Remove file.
* SUPPORTED: Create lg_UG instead of lug_UG.
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
+++ localedata/locales/lg_UG Sun Jan 18 16:08:10 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+escape_char /
+comment_char %
+% Luganda language locale for Uganda
+% Source: Akademe ya Luganda
+% Address: c/o P.O. Box 5190 Kampala,
+% Uganda
+% Contact: Kizito Birabwa
+% Email:
+% Tel: +41 - (0)1772 724325
+% Fax:
+% Language: lg
+% Territory: UG
+% Revision: 1.0
+% Date: 2001-11-04
+% Users: general
+% Repertoiremap: mnemonic.ds
+% Charset: ISO-8859-10
+% Distribution and use is free, also
+% for commercial purposes.
+title "Luganda locale for Uganda"
+source "Akademe ya Luganda"
+address "c/o P.O. Box 5190 Kampala, Uganda"
+contact "Kizito Birabwa"
+email ""
+tel ""
+fax ""
+language "Luganda"
+territory "Uganda"
+revision "1.0"
+date "2001-11-04"
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_IDENTIFICATION
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_CTYPE
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_COLLATE
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_TIME
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_NUMERIC
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_MONETARY
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_MESSAGES
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_PAPER
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_NAME
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_ADDRESS
+category "lg_UG:2001";LC_TELEPHONE
+% Use the characters described in the charmap file "i18n.tgz"
+copy "i18n"
+% Copy the template from ISO/IEC 14651 i.e.
+% use the rules there when making ordered lists of words.
+copy "iso14651_t1"
+int_curr_symbol "<U0055><U0047><U0058><U0020>"
+% International currency symbol "UGX"
+currency_symbol "<U002F><U002D>"
+% Local currency symbol "/-"
+mon_decimal_point "<U002E>"
+% Sign for a monetary decimal point "."
+mon_thousands_sep "<U002C>"
+% Sign for thousands separator in money ","
+mon_grouping 3;3
+% For money there are three numbers to the between each
+% pair of thousands separators, e.g. "123,456,786"
+positive_sign ""
+% No sign in front of positive money values.
+negative_sign "<U002D>"
+% "-" in front of negative money values.
+int_frac_digits 2
+% Allow 2 decimal places for international
+% representation of fractional money values.
+frac_digits 2
+% Allow 2 decimal places for local
+% representation of fractional money values.
+p_cs_precedes 0
+% The "0" means that the "/-" comes after positive monetary
+% values.
+p_sep_by_space 0
+% The "0" means that there is no space between the numbers and
+% the "/-" sign for positive monetary values.
+n_cs_precedes 0
+% The "0" means that the "/-" comes after negative monetary
+% values.
+n_sep_by_space 0
+% The "0" means that there is no space between the numbers and
+% the "/-" sign for negative monetary values.
+p_sign_posn 1
+% The "1" means that, if a "+" sign is present in a monetary
+% value,it comes before the % "USh", "/-", and the numbers.
+n_sign_posn 1
+% The "1" means that, if a "-" sign is present in a monetary
+% value,it comes before the % "USh", "/-", and the numbers.
+decimal_point "<U002E>"
+% For normal numbers, the decomal point is a "."
+thousands_sep "<U002C>"
+% For normal numbers, the thousands separator is a ","
+grouping 3;3
+% For normal numbers, there are three numbers between each
+% pair of thousands separators, e.g. 123,456,789
+abday "<U0053><U0061><U0062>";"<U0042><U0061><U006C>";/
+ "<U004C><U0077><U0032>";"<U004C><U0077><U0033>";/
+ "<U004C><U0077><U0034>";"<U004C><U0077><U0035>";/
+ "<U004C><U0077><U0036>"
+% The abbreviations for the week days - Sab, Bal, Lw2, Lw3, Lw4,
+% Lw5, Lw6
+day "<U0053><U0061><U0062><U0069><U0069><U0074><U0069>";/
+ "<U0042><U0061><U006C><U0061><U007A><U0061>";/
+ "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006B><U0075><U0062><U0069><U0072><U0069>";/
+ "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006B><U0075><U0073><U0061><U0074><U0075>";/
+ "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006B><U0075><U006E><U0061>";/
+ "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006B><U0075><U0074><U0061><U0061><U006E><U006F>";/
+ "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006D><U0075><U006B><U0061><U0061><U0067><U0061>"
+% The full names of the week days - Sabiiti, Balaza, Lwakubiri, Lwakusatu, Lwakuna
+% Lwakutaano, Lwamukaaga.
+abmon "<U004A><U0061><U006E>";"<U0046><U0065><U0062>";/
+ "<U004D><U0061><U0072>";"<U0041><U0070><U0075>";/
+ "<U004D><U0061><U0061>";"<U004A><U0075><U006E>";/
+ "<U004A><U0075><U006C>";"<U0041><U0067><U0075>";/
+ "<U0053><U0065><U0062>";"<U004F><U006B><U0069>";/
+ "<U004E><U006F><U0076>";"<U0044><U0065><U0073>"
+% The abbreviations for the months - Jan, Feb, Mar, Apu, Maa,
+% Juu, Jul, Agu, Seb, Oki,
+% Nov, Des
+mon "<U004A><U0061><U006E><U0077><U0061><U006C><U0069><U0079><U006F>";/
+ "<U0046><U0065><U0062><U0077><U0061><U006C><U0069><U0079><U006F>";/
+ "<U004D><U0061><U0072><U0069><U0073><U0069>";/
+ "<U0041><U0070><U0075><U006C><U0069>";/
+ "<U004D><U0061><U0061><U0079><U0069>";/
+ "<U004A><U0075><U0075><U006E><U0069>";/
+ "<U004A><U0075><U006C><U0061><U0061><U0069>";/
+ "<U0041><U0067><U0075><U0073><U0069><U0074><U006F>";/
+ "<U0053><U0065><U0062><U0075><U0074><U0074><U0065><U006D><U0062><U0061>";/
+ "<U004F><U006B><U0069><U0074><U006F><U0062><U0062><U0061>";/
+ "<U004E><U006F><U0076><U0065><U006D><U0062><U0061>";/
+ "<U0044><U0065><U0073><U0065><U006D><U0062><U0061>"
+% The full names of the months - Janwaliyo, Febwaliyo, Marisi, Apuli, Maayi,
+% Juuni, Julaayi, Agusito, Sebuttemba,
+% Okitobba, Novemba, Desemba
+d_t_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0064><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0059><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0020><U0025><U005A>"
+% Abreviated date and time representation to be referenced by the "%c" field descriptor -
+% "%a" (weekday name),
+% "%d" (day of month as a decimal number),
+% "%b" (month name),
+% "%Y" (year with century as a decimal number),
+% "%T" (24-hour clock time in format HH:MM:SS),
+% "%Z" (Time zone name)
+d_fmt "<U0025><U0064><U002F><U0025><U006D><U002F><U0025><U0079>"
+% Date representation to be referenced by the "%x" field % descriptor -
+% "%d/%m/%y", day/month/year as decimal numbers (01/01/00 to 31/12/99).
+t_fmt "<U0025><U0054>"
+% Time representation to be referenced by the "%X" field descriptor -
+% "%T" (24-hour clock time in format HH:MM:SS)
+am_pm "";""
+% Define representation of ante meridiem and post meridiem strings -
+% The ""s mean 'default to "AM" and "PM".
+t_fmt_ampm ""
+% Define time representation in 12-hour format with "am_pm", to be referenced by the "%r"
+% field descriptor -
+% The "" means that this format is not supported.
+date_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0065>/
+% Date representation not described in ISO/IEC 14652. Comes out as -
+% "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" which is
+% abbreviated weekday name,
+% day of month as a decimal number (01 to 31),
+% day of month as a decimal number with leading space (1 to 31),
+% hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00 to 23),
+% minute as a decimal number (00 to 59),
+% seconds as a decimal number (00 to 59),
+% time-zone name,
+% year with century as a decimal number,e.g. 2001.
+yesexpr "<U005B><U0079><U0059><U005D>"
+% The affirmative response -
+% "[yY]"
+noexpr "<U005B><U006E><U004E><U005D>"
+% The negative response -
+% "[nN]"
+height 297
+width 210
+% Default paper size - A4
+tel_int_fmt "<U002B><U0025><U0063><U0020><U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025>/
+% Representation of telephone number for international use -
+% "+%c %a %l", which is
+% "+country code",
+% "area code without the prefix (often 0)",
+% "local number".
+tel_dom_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U006C>"
+% Represntation of telephone number for domestic use -
+% "%a %l", which is
+% "area code, local number".
+int_select "<U0030><U0030>"
+% Digits used in Uganda to dial international - "00".
+int_prefix "<U0032><U0035><U0036>"
+% International prefix for Uganda - "256"
+measurement 1
+name_fmt "<U0025><U0064><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0067><U0025><U0074>/
+% Format for addressing a person.
+% "%d%t%g%t%m%t%f"
+% "Salutation",
+% "Empty string, or <Space>",
+% "First given name",
+% "Empty string, or <Space>",
+% "Middle names",
+% "Empty string, or <Space>",
+% "Clan names"
+name_miss "<U004D><U006C><U0061>"
+% Salutation for unmarried females - "Mla"
+name_mr "<U004D><U0077>"
+% Salutation for males - "Mw"
+name_mrs "<U004D><U006C><U0061>"
+% Salutation for married females - "Mla"
+name_ms "<U004D><U006C><U0061>"
+% Salutation valid for all females - "Mla"
+country_name "<U0059><U0075><U0067><U0061><U006E><U0064><U0061>"
+% Country name in Luganda - "Yuganda"
+country_post "<U0055><U0047>"
+% Abbreviated country postal name - "UG"
+country_ab2 "<U0055><U0047>"
+% ISO 3166 two letter country abbreviation - "UG"
+postal_fmt "<U0025><U0066><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E>/
+% Representation of postal addresses (minus the addressee's name) in Uganda.
+% "%f%N%a%N%d%N%b%N%s %h %e %r%N%%z %T%N%c%N", which gives -
+% "firm name",
+% "end of line",
+% "C/O address",
+% "end of line",
+% "department name",
+% "Building name",
+% "end of line",
+% "street or block name",
+% "space",
+% "house number or designation",
+% "space",
+% "floor number",
+% "space",
+% "room number, door designation",
+% "end of line",
+% "postal code",
+% "space",
+% "town, city",
+% "end of line",
+% "country designation for the <country_post> keyword",
+% "end of line
+country_ab3 "<U0055><U0047><U0041>"
+country_num 800
--- localedata/locales/lug_UG Fri Dec 5 12:57:02 2003
+++ /dev/null Thu Jan 1 01:00:00 1970
@@ -1,330 +0,0 @@
-escape_char /
-comment_char %
-% Luganda language locale for Uganda
-% Source: Akademe ya Luganda
-% Address: c/o P.O. Box 5190 Kampala,
-% Uganda
-% Contact: Kizito Birabwa
-% Email:
-% Tel: +41 - (0)1772 724325
-% Fax:
-% Language: lug
-% Territory: UG
-% Revision: 1.0
-% Date: 2001-11-04
-% Users: general
-% Repertoiremap: mnemonic.ds
-% Charset: ISO-8859-10
-% Distribution and use is free, also
-% for commercial purposes.
-title "Luganda locale for Uganda"
-source "Akademe ya Luganda"
-address "c/o P.O. Box 5190 Kampala, Uganda"
-contact "Kizito Birabwa"
-email ""
-tel ""
-fax ""
-language "Luganda"
-territory "Uganda"
-revision "1.0"
-date "2001-11-04"
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_IDENTIFICATION
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_CTYPE
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_COLLATE
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_TIME
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_NUMERIC
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_MONETARY
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_MESSAGES
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_PAPER
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_NAME
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_ADDRESS
-category "lug_UG:2001";LC_TELEPHONE
-% Use the characters described in the charmap file "i18n.tgz"
-copy "i18n"
-% Copy the template from ISO/IEC 14651 i.e.
-% use the rules there when making ordered lists of words.
-copy "iso14651_t1"
-int_curr_symbol "<U0055><U0047><U0058><U0020>"
-% International currency symbol "UGX"
-currency_symbol "<U002F><U002D>"
-% Local currency symbol "/-"
-mon_decimal_point "<U002E>"
-% Sign for a monetary decimal point "."
-mon_thousands_sep "<U002C>"
-% Sign for thousands separator in money ","
-mon_grouping 3;3
-% For money there are three numbers to the between each
-% pair of thousands separators, e.g. "123,456,786"
-positive_sign ""
-% No sign in front of positive money values.
-negative_sign "<U002D>"
-% "-" in front of negative money values.
-int_frac_digits 2
-% Allow 2 decimal places for international
-% representation of fractional money values.
-frac_digits 2
-% Allow 2 decimal places for local
-% representation of fractional money values.
-p_cs_precedes 0
-% The "0" means that the "/-" comes after positive monetary
-% values.
-p_sep_by_space 0
-% The "0" means that there is no space between the numbers and
-% the "/-" sign for positive monetary values.
-n_cs_precedes 0
-% The "0" means that the "/-" comes after negative monetary
-% values.
-n_sep_by_space 0
-% The "0" means that there is no space between the numbers and
-% the "/-" sign for negative monetary values.
-p_sign_posn 1
-% The "1" means that, if a "+" sign is present in a monetary
-% value,it comes before the % "USh", "/-", and the numbers.
-n_sign_posn 1
-% The "1" means that, if a "-" sign is present in a monetary
-% value,it comes before the % "USh", "/-", and the numbers.
-decimal_point "<U002E>"
-% For normal numbers, the decomal point is a "."
-thousands_sep "<U002C>"
-% For normal numbers, the thousands separator is a ","
-grouping 3;3
-% For normal numbers, there are three numbers between each
-% pair of thousands separators, e.g. 123,456,789
-abday "<U0053><U0061><U0062>";"<U0042><U0061><U006C>";/
- "<U004C><U0077><U0032>";"<U004C><U0077><U0033>";/
- "<U004C><U0077><U0034>";"<U004C><U0077><U0035>";/
- "<U004C><U0077><U0036>"
-% The abbreviations for the week days - Sab, Bal, Lw2, Lw3, Lw4,
-% Lw5, Lw6
-day "<U0053><U0061><U0062><U0069><U0069><U0074><U0069>";/
- "<U0042><U0061><U006C><U0061><U007A><U0061>";/
- "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006B><U0075><U0062><U0069><U0072><U0069>";/
- "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006B><U0075><U0073><U0061><U0074><U0075>";/
- "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006B><U0075><U006E><U0061>";/
- "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006B><U0075><U0074><U0061><U0061><U006E><U006F>";/
- "<U004C><U0077><U0061><U006D><U0075><U006B><U0061><U0061><U0067><U0061>"
-% The full names of the week days - Sabiiti, Balaza, Lwakubiri, Lwakusatu, Lwakuna
-% Lwakutaano, Lwamukaaga.
-abmon "<U004A><U0061><U006E>";"<U0046><U0065><U0062>";/
- "<U004D><U0061><U0072>";"<U0041><U0070><U0075>";/
- "<U004D><U0061><U0061>";"<U004A><U0075><U006E>";/
- "<U004A><U0075><U006C>";"<U0041><U0067><U0075>";/
- "<U0053><U0065><U0062>";"<U004F><U006B><U0069>";/
- "<U004E><U006F><U0076>";"<U0044><U0065><U0073>"
-% The abbreviations for the months - Jan, Feb, Mar, Apu, Maa,
-% Juu, Jul, Agu, Seb, Oki,
-% Nov, Des
-mon "<U004A><U0061><U006E><U0077><U0061><U006C><U0069><U0079><U006F>";/
- "<U0046><U0065><U0062><U0077><U0061><U006C><U0069><U0079><U006F>";/
- "<U004D><U0061><U0072><U0069><U0073><U0069>";/
- "<U0041><U0070><U0075><U006C><U0069>";/
- "<U004D><U0061><U0061><U0079><U0069>";/
- "<U004A><U0075><U0075><U006E><U0069>";/
- "<U004A><U0075><U006C><U0061><U0061><U0069>";/
- "<U0041><U0067><U0075><U0073><U0069><U0074><U006F>";/
- "<U0053><U0065><U0062><U0075><U0074><U0074><U0065><U006D><U0062><U0061>";/
- "<U004F><U006B><U0069><U0074><U006F><U0062><U0062><U0061>";/
- "<U004E><U006F><U0076><U0065><U006D><U0062><U0061>";/
- "<U0044><U0065><U0073><U0065><U006D><U0062><U0061>"
-% The full names of the months - Janwaliyo, Febwaliyo, Marisi, Apuli, Maayi,
-% Juuni, Julaayi, Agusito, Sebuttemba,
-% Okitobba, Novemba, Desemba
-d_t_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0064><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0059><U0020><U0025><U0054><U0020><U0025><U005A>"
-% Abreviated date and time representation to be referenced by the "%c" field descriptor -
-% "%a" (weekday name),
-% "%d" (day of month as a decimal number),
-% "%b" (month name),
-% "%Y" (year with century as a decimal number),
-% "%T" (24-hour clock time in format HH:MM:SS),
-% "%Z" (Time zone name)
-d_fmt "<U0025><U0064><U002F><U0025><U006D><U002F><U0025><U0079>"
-% Date representation to be referenced by the "%x" field % descriptor -
-% "%d/%m/%y", day/month/year as decimal numbers (01/01/00 to 31/12/99).
-t_fmt "<U0025><U0054>"
-% Time representation to be referenced by the "%X" field descriptor -
-% "%T" (24-hour clock time in format HH:MM:SS)
-am_pm "";""
-% Define representation of ante meridiem and post meridiem strings -
-% The ""s mean 'default to "AM" and "PM".
-t_fmt_ampm ""
-% Define time representation in 12-hour format with "am_pm", to be referenced by the "%r"
-% field descriptor -
-% The "" means that this format is not supported.
-date_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U0062><U0020><U0025><U0065>/
-% Date representation not described in ISO/IEC 14652. Comes out as -
-% "%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y" which is
-% abbreviated weekday name,
-% day of month as a decimal number (01 to 31),
-% day of month as a decimal number with leading space (1 to 31),
-% hour (24-hour clock) as a decimal number (00 to 23),
-% minute as a decimal number (00 to 59),
-% seconds as a decimal number (00 to 59),
-% time-zone name,
-% year with century as a decimal number,e.g. 2001.
-yesexpr "<U005B><U0079><U0059><U005D>"
-% The affirmative response -
-% "[yY]"
-noexpr "<U005B><U006E><U004E><U005D>"
-% The negative response -
-% "[nN]"
-height 297
-width 210
-% Default paper size - A4
-tel_int_fmt "<U002B><U0025><U0063><U0020><U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025>/
-% Representation of telephone number for international use -
-% "+%c %a %l", which is
-% "+country code",
-% "area code without the prefix (often 0)",
-% "local number".
-tel_dom_fmt "<U0025><U0061><U0020><U0025><U006C>"
-% Represntation of telephone number for domestic use -
-% "%a %l", which is
-% "area code, local number".
-int_select "<U0030><U0030>"
-% Digits used in Uganda to dial international - "00".
-int_prefix "<U0032><U0035><U0036>"
-% International prefix for Uganda - "256"
-measurement 1
-name_fmt "<U0025><U0064><U0025><U0074><U0025><U0067><U0025><U0074>/
-% Format for addressing a person.
-% "%d%t%g%t%m%t%f"
-% "Salutation",
-% "Empty string, or <Space>",
-% "First given name",
-% "Empty string, or <Space>",
-% "Middle names",
-% "Empty string, or <Space>",
-% "Clan names"
-name_miss "<U004D><U006C><U0061>"
-% Salutation for unmarried females - "Mla"
-name_mr "<U004D><U0077>"
-% Salutation for males - "Mw"
-name_mrs "<U004D><U006C><U0061>"
-% Salutation for married females - "Mla"
-name_ms "<U004D><U006C><U0061>"
-% Salutation valid for all females - "Mla"
-country_name "<U0059><U0075><U0067><U0061><U006E><U0064><U0061>"
-% Country name in Luganda - "Yuganda"
-country_post "<U0055><U0047>"
-% Abbreviated country postal name - "UG"
-country_ab2 "<U0055><U0047>"
-% ISO 3166 two letter country abbreviation - "UG"
-postal_fmt "<U0025><U0066><U0025><U004E><U0025><U0061><U0025><U004E>/
-% Representation of postal addresses (minus the addressee's name) in Uganda.
-% "%f%N%a%N%d%N%b%N%s %h %e %r%N%%z %T%N%c%N", which gives -
-% "firm name",
-% "end of line",
-% "C/O address",
-% "end of line",
-% "department name",
-% "Building name",
-% "end of line",
-% "street or block name",
-% "space",
-% "house number or designation",
-% "space",
-% "floor number",
-% "space",
-% "room number, door designation",
-% "end of line",
-% "postal code",
-% "space",
-% "town, city",
-% "end of line",
-% "country designation for the <country_post> keyword",
-% "end of line
-country_ab3 "<U0055><U0047><U0041>"
-country_num 800
--- localedata/SUPPORTED 6 Dec 2003 08:11:02 -0000 1.65
+++ localedata/SUPPORTED 18 Jan 2004 15:20:34 -0000
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
kw_GB/ISO-8859-1 \
lo_LA/UTF-8 \
lt_LT/ISO-8859-13 \
-lug_UG/ISO-8859-10 \
+lg_UG/ISO-8859-10 \
lv_LV/ISO-8859-13 \
mi_NZ/ISO-8859-13 \
mk_MK/ISO-8859-5 \
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