[alpha] tidy sigreturn traceback

Richard Henderson rth@twiddle.net
Fri Jan 16 05:02:00 GMT 2004

Makes the traceback look like

#0  foo (sig=11, info=0x11ffff680, ctx=0x11ffff700) at /home/rth/z.c:5
#1  0x00000200000851b0 in __syscall_rt_sigreturn ()
    at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/alpha/rt_sigaction.S:113
#2  0x000000012000066c in main () at /home/rth/z.c:15

instead of

#1  0x00000200000851b0 in __syscall_rt_sigaction+104 ()
    at ../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/alpha/rt_sigaction.S:113

which seems a bit tidier to me.


        * sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/alpha/rt_sigaction.S: Prefix stubs with
        __syscall_, move nop inside, adjust users by +4.

Index: rt_sigaction.S
RCS file: /cvs/glibc/libc/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/alpha/rt_sigaction.S,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -c -p -d -u -r1.8 rt_sigaction.S
--- rt_sigaction.S	13 Jan 2004 20:47:01 -0000	1.8
+++ rt_sigaction.S	16 Jan 2004 04:57:17 -0000
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
    This just about halves signal delivery time.  */
-#ifdef __NR_rt_sigaction
@@ -42,12 +41,20 @@ ENTRY(__syscall_rt_sigaction)
 	beq	a1, 0f
 	ldl	t0, 8(a1)			# sa_flags
-	ldah	a4, sigreturn(gp)		!gprelhigh
-	ldah	t1, rt_sigreturn(gp)		!gprelhigh
-	lda	a4, sigreturn(a4)		!gprellow
-	lda	t1, rt_sigreturn(t1)		!gprellow
-	and	t0, 0x00000040, t0		# SA_SIGINFO
+	/* The unwinder will subtract one from the return address when
+	   attempting to find the call instruction that led us here.
+	   Since we didn't get here via a normal call, if we do nothing
+	   we would pick up the wrong symbol and the wrong FDE.  Account
+	   for this by adding a nop to the start of the function and 
+	   then skipping it here by adding 4.  */
+	ldah	a4, __syscall_sigreturn+4(gp)		!gprelhigh
+	ldah	t1, __syscall_rt_sigreturn+4(gp)	!gprelhigh
+	lda	a4, __syscall_sigreturn+4(a4)		!gprellow
+	lda	t1, __syscall_rt_sigreturn+4(t1)	!gprellow
+	and	t0, 0x40, t0				# SA_SIGINFO
 	cmovne	t0, t1, a4
 0:	ldi	v0, __NR_rt_sigaction
@@ -57,10 +64,10 @@ PSEUDO_END(__syscall_rt_sigaction)
 /* To enable unwinding through the signal frame without special hackery
    elsewhere, describe the entire struct sigcontext with unwind info.
-   Note that we begin the unwind info one instruction before the start
-   of the function; the unwinder will subtract one from the return address
-   attempting to find the call instruction that led us here, since we
-   didn't get here via a normal call.  */
+   In order to minimize the size of the encoding, we set the CFA to the
+   end of the sigcontext, which makes all of the registers have small
+   negative offsets from that.  */
 	.macro SIGCONTEXT_REGS_I base, from=0
 	cfi_offset (\from, \base + (4 + \from) * 8)
@@ -91,34 +98,23 @@ PSEUDO_END(__syscall_rt_sigaction)
 	cfi_return_column (64)
 	cfi_def_cfa_offset (648)
 	mov	sp, a0
 	ldi	v0, __NR_sigreturn
-	cfi_endproc
-	.size	sigreturn, .-sigreturn
-	.type	sigreturn, @function
+	.size	__syscall_sigreturn, .-__syscall_sigreturn
+	.type	__syscall_sigreturn, @function
-	cfi_startproc
-	cfi_return_column (64)
 	cfi_def_cfa_offset (176 + 648)
 	mov	sp,a0
 	ldi	v0,__NR_rt_sigreturn
-	cfi_endproc
-	.size	rt_sigreturn, .-rt_sigreturn
-	.type	rt_sigreturn, @function
+	.size	__syscall_rt_sigreturn, .-__syscall_rt_sigreturn
+	.type	__syscall_rt_sigreturn, @function
-	ldgp $29,0($27)
-	.prologue 1
-	ldi $0,ENOSYS
+	cfi_endproc

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