bug-glibc usage...

Roland McGrath roland@redhat.com
Tue Jan 13 22:33:00 GMT 2004

>    > At the time that people all gave up on bug-glibc, the biggest
>    > problem was that it was almost entirely spam, and its archives
>    > were so full of spam you couldn't find something if you looked.
>    Hm.  Then I think it should be closed when bugzilla is operational
>    with a bounce telling people to use bugzilla instead, and the
>    mailing list archives should be filtered using spamassasin to
>    extract the valid bug reports.
> I don't think this is a good idea, I personally prefer to reports bugs
> via email.  And I am quite sure that many prefer the same means.  Also
> reacall that most (if not all) GNU projects have a bug-* list; making
> glibc standout seems like a bad idea to me...

It has long been the specified procedure to use the `glibcbug' script.  It
does in fact send email, but it is reasonable that you be required to use a
fixed format.  The GCC bugzilla system is drivable by email, though I'm not
positive off hand how you make an initial report that way.  Getting this
clear and making the `glibcbug' script work that way is something we will
be figuring out ASAP. 

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