gcc3.3: problem compiling elf/soinit.c (int. compiler error)

Gernot Hillier gernot.hillier@siemens.com
Thu Jan 8 14:41:00 GMT 2004


Am Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2004 15:27 schrieb Jeff Bailey:
> On Thu, 2004-01-08 at 08:19, Hillier Gernot wrote:
> > With gcc-3.2, everything went fine, but with 3.3 I get an internal
> > compiler error at elf/soinit.c:
> Internal compiler errors are always gcc bugs, even if they're triggered
> by bad code. 

Sure. gcc people will fix this ICE some day. They've only postponed it because 
it's caused by bad code, they say, and therefore it has a low priority for 

But if there is bad code in glibc, it should be fixed here, no?

My problem is not that I need a toolchain - as I wrote this workaround worked 
for me and I have one now. 

I only wanted to report this to get it finally fixed in the right place *if* 
it is a glibc-bug. I understand too less to decide who's right here...

> The best I can suggest is that despite the good reasons to
> run those particular version, you should at least run the most recent of
> the gcc 3.3 series.  Glibc exercises the compiler pretty heavily.

Well, my workaround fixes it for me and my toolchain works like a charm since 
August. So I've no personal problem with it any more, I just wanted to heal 
the world ;-)

But nevertheless thx for your ideas and recommendations!


Gernot Hillier
Siemens AG, Mch P

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