PATCH: Optimize memcmp for ia32

H. J. Lu
Thu Feb 5 00:11:00 GMT 2004

This patch optimizes memcmp for ia32. I got average speeup by around

2004-01-15  H.J. Lu  <>

	* sysdeps/i386/memcmp.S: Optimized for IA-32.

--- sysdeps/i386/memcmp.S.i386	2001-07-05 21:55:52.000000000 -0700
+++ sysdeps/i386/memcmp.S	2003-08-21 07:05:58.000000000 -0700
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 /* Compare two memory blocks for differences in the first COUNT bytes.
-   Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+   Copyright (C) 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -22,53 +22,370 @@
 #include "bp-sym.h"
 #include "bp-asm.h"
-#define PARMS	LINKAGE+4	/* space for 1 saved reg */
-#define BLK1	PARMS
-#define BLK2	BLK1+PTR_SIZE
-#define LEN	BLK2+PTR_SIZE
+#define PARMS		LINKAGE+4	/* Preserve EBX.  */
+#define BLK1		PARMS
+#define BLK2		BLK1+PTR_SIZE
+#define LEN		BLK2+PTR_SIZE
+#define ENTRANCE	pushl %ebx; ENTER
+#define RETURN		popl %ebx; LEAVE; ret
+/* Load an entry in a jump table into EBX.  TABLE is a jump table
+   with relative offsets.  INDEX is a register contains the index
+   into the jump table.  */
+  /* We first load PC into EBX.  */				\
+  call	__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx;					\
+  /* Get the address of the jump table.  */			\
+  addl	$(TABLE - .), %ebx;					\
+  /* Get the entry and convert the relative offset to the	\
+     absolute address.  */					\
+  addl	(%ebx,INDEX,4), %ebx
+	.section	.gnu.linkonce.t.__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx,"ax",@progbits
+	.globl	__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
+	.hidden	__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx
+        .text
+	ALIGN (4)
+	.type	__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx,@function
+	movl	(%esp), %ebx
+	ret
-	.text
+        .text
+	ALIGN (4)
 ENTRY (BP_SYM (memcmp))
-	pushl %esi		/* Save callee-safe registers.  */
-	movl %edi, %edx		/* Note that %edx is not used and can
-				   so be used to save %edi.  It's faster.  */
-	movl BLK1(%esp), %esi
-	movl BLK2(%esp), %edi
-	movl LEN(%esp), %ecx
-	CHECK_BOUNDS_LOW (%esi, BLK1(%esp))
-	CHECK_BOUNDS_LOW (%edi, BLK2(%esp))
-	cld			/* Set direction of comparison.  */
-	xorl %eax, %eax		/* Default result.  */
-	repe			/* Compare at most %ecx bytes.  */
-	cmpsb
-	jz L(1)			/* If even last byte was equal we return 0.  */
-	/* The memory blocks are not equal.  So result of the last
-	   subtraction is present in the carry flag.  It is set when
-	   the byte in block #2 is bigger.  In this case we have to
-	   return -1 (=0xffffffff), else 1.  */
-	sbbl %eax, %eax		/* This is tricky.  %eax == 0 and carry is set
-				   or not depending on last subtraction.  */
-	/* At this point %eax == 0, if the byte of block #1 was bigger, and
-	   0xffffffff if the last byte of block #2 was bigger.  The latter
-	   case is already correct but the former needs a little adjustment.
-	   Note that the following operation does not change 0xffffffff.  */
-	orb $1, %al		/* Change 0 to 1.  */
-L(1):	CHECK_BOUNDS_HIGH (%esi, BLK1(%esp), jbe)
-	CHECK_BOUNDS_HIGH (%edi, BLK2(%esp), jbe)
-	popl %esi		/* Restore registers.  */
-	movl %edx, %edi
+	movl	BLK1(%esp), %eax
+	movl	BLK2(%esp), %edx
+	movl	LEN(%esp), %ecx
+	cmpl 	$1, %ecx
+	jne	L(not_1)
+	movzbl	(%eax), %ecx		/* LEN == 1  */
+	cmpb	(%edx), %cl
+	jne	L(neq)
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	sbbl	%eax, %eax
+	sbbl	$-1, %eax
+	jl	L(bye)			/* LEN == 0  */
+	pushl	%esi
+	movl	%eax, %esi
+	cmpl	$32, %ecx;
+	jge	L(32bytesormore)	/* LEN => 32  */
+	LOAD_JUMP_TABLE_ENTRY (L(table_32bytes), %ecx)
+	addl	%ecx, %edx
+	addl	%ecx, %esi
+	jmp	*%ebx
+	ALIGN (4)
+	movl	-28(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-28(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-24(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-24(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-20(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-20(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-16(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-16(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-12(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-12(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-8(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-8(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-4(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-4(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	popl	%esi
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	-29(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-29(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-25(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-25(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-21(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-21(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-17(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-17(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-13(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-13(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-9(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-9(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-5(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-5(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movzbl	-1(%esi), %eax
+	cmpb	-1(%edx), %al
+	jne	L(set)
+	popl	%esi
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	-30(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-30(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-26(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-26(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-22(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-22(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-18(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-18(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-14(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-14(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-10(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-10(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-6(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-6(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movzwl	-2(%esi), %eax
+	movzwl	-2(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpb	%cl, %al
+	jne	L(set)
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(set)
+	popl	%esi
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	movl	-31(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-31(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-27(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-27(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-23(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-23(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-19(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-19(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-15(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-15(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-11(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-11(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movl	-7(%esi), %eax
+	movl	-7(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(find_diff)
+	movzwl	-3(%esi), %eax
+	movzwl	-3(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpb	%cl, %al
+	jne	L(set)
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	jne	L(set)
+	movzbl	-1(%esi), %eax
+	cmpb	-1(%edx), %al
+	jne	L(set)
+	popl	%esi
+	xorl	%eax, %eax
+	ALIGN (4)
+/* ECX >= 32.  */
+	subl	$32, %ecx
+	movl	(%esi), %eax
+	cmpl	(%edx), %eax
+	jne	L(load_ecx)
+	movl	4(%esi), %eax
+	cmpl	4(%edx), %eax
+	jne	L(load_ecx_4)
+	movl	8(%esi), %eax
+	cmpl	8(%edx), %eax
+	jne	L(load_ecx_8)
+	movl	12(%esi), %eax
+	cmpl	12(%edx), %eax
+	jne	L(load_ecx_12)
+	movl	16(%esi), %eax
+	cmpl	16(%edx), %eax
+	jne	L(load_ecx_16)
+	movl	20(%esi), %eax
+	cmpl	20(%edx), %eax
+	jne	L(load_ecx_20)
+	movl	24(%esi), %eax
+	cmpl	24(%edx), %eax
+	jne	L(load_ecx_24)
+	movl	28(%esi), %eax
+	cmpl	28(%edx), %eax
+	jne	L(load_ecx_28)
+	addl	$32, %esi
+	addl	$32, %edx
+	cmpl	$32, %ecx
+	jge	L(32bytesormore)
+	LOAD_JUMP_TABLE_ENTRY (L(table_32bytes), %ecx)
+	addl	%ecx, %edx
+	addl	%ecx, %esi
+	jmp	*%ebx
+	addl	$0x4, %edx
+	addl	$0x4, %edx
+	addl	$0x4, %edx
+	addl	$0x4, %edx
+	addl	$0x4, %edx
+	addl	$0x4, %edx
+	addl	$0x4, %edx
+	movl	(%edx), %ecx
+	cmpb	%cl, %al
+	jne	L(set)
+	cmpw	%cx, %ax
+	jne	L(set)
+	shrl	$16,%eax
+	shrl	$16,%ecx
+	cmpb	%cl, %al
+	jne	L(set)
+	/* We get there only if we already know there is a
+	   difference.  */
+	cmpl	%ecx, %eax
+	sbbl	%eax, %eax
+	sbbl	$-1, %eax
+	popl	%esi
+	ALIGN (2)
+L(table_32bytes) :
+	.long	L(0bytes) - . + 0x0
+	.long	L(1bytes) - . + 0x4
+	.long	L(2bytes) - . + 0x8
+	.long	L(3bytes) - . + 0xc
+	.long	L(4bytes) - . + 0x10
+	.long	L(5bytes) - . + 0x14
+	.long	L(6bytes) - . + 0x18
+	.long	L(7bytes) - . + 0x1c
+	.long	L(8bytes) - . + 0x20
+	.long	L(9bytes) - . + 0x24
+	.long	L(10bytes) - . + 0x28
+	.long	L(11bytes) - . + 0x2c
+	.long	L(12bytes) - . + 0x30
+	.long	L(13bytes) - . + 0x34
+	.long	L(14bytes) - . + 0x38
+	.long	L(15bytes) - . + 0x3c
+	.long	L(16bytes) - . + 0x40
+	.long	L(17bytes) - . + 0x44
+	.long	L(18bytes) - . + 0x48
+	.long	L(19bytes) - . + 0x4c
+	.long	L(20bytes) - . + 0x50
+	.long	L(21bytes) - . + 0x54
+	.long	L(22bytes) - . + 0x58
+	.long	L(23bytes) - . + 0x5c
+	.long	L(24bytes) - . + 0x60
+	.long	L(25bytes) - . + 0x64
+	.long	L(26bytes) - . + 0x68
+	.long	L(27bytes) - . + 0x6c
+	.long	L(28bytes) - . + 0x70
+	.long	L(29bytes) - . + 0x74
+	.long	L(30bytes) - . + 0x78
+	.long	L(31bytes) - . + 0x7c
-	ret
 END (BP_SYM (memcmp))
 #undef bcmp

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