Hu, Boris boris.hu@intel.com
Mon Feb 2 03:17:00 GMT 2004

Dear All, 

I am pleased to announce rtnptl-2.1 is out. 

Changes from 2.0
* Add --enable-robust-mutex support
* Fix a bug in pthread_mutex_init() to reinitialize a robust mutex.

Rtnpl-2.1 is based on the latest NPTL and the following Real-time
features have been added: 
   - Robust Mutexes
   - Priority Inheritance
   - Priority Protection
   - Robust Condvar

Currently it works on both x86 and ia64.

It is required FUSYN(Fast User SYNChronization) kernel:

The installation manual can be found at: 

You'll need the latest glibc cvs sources.

All the rtnptl patches can be found at

- Runtime switch normal mutexes and robust mutexes
- Make lowlevelrtlock.c generic

Good Luck !
Boris Hu (Hu Jiangtao)
Software Engineer@ICSL
There are my thoughts, not my employer's.
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