Compiling glibc-2.3.2 (-2.3.3?) snapshot 20031115 with gcc-3.4 snapshot 20031119

Dan Kegel
Tue Nov 25 17:01:00 GMT 2003

Robert Moss wrote:
>>> /var/tmp/portage/glibc-2.3.2-r9/work/glibc-2.3.2/buildhere/csu/crti.S:43: 
>>> undefined reference to `i_am_not_a_leaf'
>> Well, Google found
>> which suggests that adding  -fno-unit-at-a-time when building
>> glibc might help.  Worth a shot, anyway...
> Thanks for that. Despite *much* Googling, I never came across that one - 

It's all in the wrist :-)
FWIW, the search I used was
    crti.S undefined reference to `i_am_not_a_leaf'
since that seemed like the most unique bit.

> I will give this a try and let you know how I get on.

Good luck...
- Dan

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