patch: Add test for international currency formatting

Petter Reinholdtsen
Sun Nov 23 18:05:00 GMT 2003

I'm replying to

[Petter Reinholdtsen, 2003-06-21]
> The current formatting of international currency is broken.  Here is a
> test case demonstrating the current output.  My next step is to change
> stdlib/strfmon.c to produce the correct result, and update the test
> case to demonstrate it.
> At the moment, the values of int_cs_precedes, int_sign_posn and
> int_sep_by_space is ignored by glibc, and the values of cs_precedes,
> sign_posn and sep_by_space is used instead.
> Please include in the glibc distribution.
> 2003-06-21  Petter Reinholdtsen  <>
> 	* Add test for international currency
>         formatting.

Here is the updated test case, with the correct result.  I only
replace the data part of the patch.

These are the same:

> 	* localedata/ Likewise.
> 	* localedata/Makefile: Likewise.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_n01y12: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_n02n40: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_n10y31: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_n11y41: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_n12y11: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_n20n32: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_n30y20: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_n41n00: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_y01y10: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_y02n22: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_y22n42: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_y30y21: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_y32n31: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_y40y00: New file.
> 	* localedata/tst-fmon-locales/int_tstfmon_y42n21: New file.

Index: localedata/
RCS file: /cvs/glibc/libc/localedata/,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -3 -p -u -r1.10
--- localedata/	1 Mar 2002 05:20:48 -0000	1.10
+++ localedata/	23 Nov 2003 18:02:52 -0000
@@ -236,3 +236,113 @@ tstfmon_y42n21		%11n	123.45		  $ +123.45
 tstfmon_y42n21		%11n	-123.45		  123.45 $-
 tstfmon_y42n21		%^=*#5n	123.45		$ +**123.45
 tstfmon_y42n21		%^=*#5n	-123.45		   **123.45 $-
+# check all int_cs_precedes/int_sign_posn/int_sep_by_space
+# combinations using special test locales.  The six characters after
+# the "_" indicate these three values for positive and then negative
+# quantities.
+int_tstfmon_n01y12	%i	123.45		"123.45 USC"
+int_tstfmon_n01y12	%i	-123.45		"- USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n01y12	%13i	123.45		"   123.45 USC"
+int_tstfmon_n01y12	%13i	-123.45		"  - USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n01y12	%^=*#5i	123.45		"     **123.45 USC"
+int_tstfmon_n01y12	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"- USC**123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n02n40	%i	123.45		"123.45USC"
+int_tstfmon_n02n40	%i	-123.45		"123.45USC-"
+int_tstfmon_n02n40	%13i	123.45		"    123.45USC"
+int_tstfmon_n02n40	%13i	-123.45		"   123.45USC-"
+int_tstfmon_n02n40	%^=*#5i	123.45		"**123.45USC"
+int_tstfmon_n02n40	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"**123.45USC-"
+int_tstfmon_n10y31	%i	123.45		"+123.45USC"
+int_tstfmon_n10y31	%i	-123.45		"-USC 123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n10y31	%13i	123.45		"   +123.45USC"
+int_tstfmon_n10y31	%13i	-123.45		"  -USC 123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n10y31	%^=*#5i	123.45		"    +**123.45USC"
+int_tstfmon_n10y31	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"-USC **123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n11y41	%i	123.45		"+123.45 USC"
+int_tstfmon_n11y41	%i	-123.45		"USC- 123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n11y41	%13i	123.45		"  +123.45 USC"
+int_tstfmon_n11y41	%13i	-123.45		"  USC- 123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n11y41	%^=*#5i	123.45		"    +**123.45 USC"
+int_tstfmon_n11y41	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"USC- **123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n12y11	%i	123.45		"+123.45USC"
+int_tstfmon_n12y11	%i	-123.45		"-USC 123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n12y11	%13i	123.45		"   +123.45USC"
+int_tstfmon_n12y11	%13i	-123.45		"  -USC 123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n12y11	%^=*#5i	123.45		"    +**123.45USC"
+int_tstfmon_n12y11	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"-USC **123.45"
+int_tstfmon_n20n32	%i	123.45		"123.45USC+"
+int_tstfmon_n20n32	%i	-123.45		"123.45- USC"
+int_tstfmon_n20n32	%13i	123.45		"   123.45USC+"
+int_tstfmon_n20n32	%13i	-123.45		"  123.45- USC"
+int_tstfmon_n20n32	%^=*#5i	123.45		"**123.45USC+"
+int_tstfmon_n20n32	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"**123.45- USC"
+int_tstfmon_n30y20	%i	123.45		"123.45+USC"
+int_tstfmon_n30y20	%i	-123.45		"USC123.45-"
+int_tstfmon_n30y20	%13i	123.45		"   123.45+USC"
+int_tstfmon_n30y20	%13i	-123.45		"   USC123.45-"
+int_tstfmon_n30y20	%^=*#5i	123.45		"   **123.45+USC"
+int_tstfmon_n30y20	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"USC**123.45-"
+int_tstfmon_n41n00	%i	123.45		"123.45 USC+"
+int_tstfmon_n41n00	%i	-123.45		"(123.45USC)"
+int_tstfmon_n41n00	%13i	123.45		"  123.45 USC+"
+int_tstfmon_n41n00	%13i	-123.45		"  (123.45USC)"
+int_tstfmon_n41n00	%^=*#5i	123.45		"**123.45 USC+"
+int_tstfmon_n41n00	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"(**123.45USC)"
+int_tstfmon_y01y10	%i	123.45		"USC 123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y01y10	%i	-123.45		"-USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y01y10	%13i	123.45		"   USC 123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y01y10	%13i	-123.45		"   -USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y01y10	%^=*#5i	123.45		"USC **123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y01y10	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"-USC**123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y02n22	%i	123.45		"USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y02n22	%i	-123.45		"123.45USC O/D"
+int_tstfmon_y02n22	%12i	123.45		"   USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y02n22	%12i	-123.45		"123.45USC O/D"
+int_tstfmon_y02n22	%^=*#5i	123.45		"USC**123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y02n22	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"   **123.45USC O/D"
+int_tstfmon_y22n42	%i	123.45		"USC123.45+"
+int_tstfmon_y22n42	%i	-123.45		"123.45USC -"
+int_tstfmon_y22n42	%13i	123.45		"   USC123.45+"
+int_tstfmon_y22n42	%13i	-123.45		"  123.45USC -"
+int_tstfmon_y22n42	%^=*#5i	123.45		"USC**123.45+"
+int_tstfmon_y22n42	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"   **123.45USC -"
+int_tstfmon_y30y21	%i	123.45		"+USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y30y21	%i	-123.45		"USC 123.45-"
+int_tstfmon_y30y21	%13i	123.45		"   +USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y30y21	%13i	-123.45		"  USC 123.45-"
+int_tstfmon_y30y21	%^=*#5i	123.45		"+USC**123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y30y21	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"USC **123.45-"
+int_tstfmon_y32n31	%i	123.45		"+ USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y32n31	%i	-123.45		"123.45 -USC"
+int_tstfmon_y32n31	%13i	123.45		"  + USC123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y32n31	%13i	-123.45		"  123.45 -USC"
+int_tstfmon_y32n31	%^=*#5i	123.45		"+ USC**123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y32n31	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"     **123.45 -USC"
+int_tstfmon_y40y00	%i	123.45		"USC+123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y40y00	%i	-123.45		"(USC123.45)"
+int_tstfmon_y40y00	%13i	123.45		"   USC+123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y40y00	%13i	-123.45		"  (USC123.45)"
+int_tstfmon_y40y00	%^=*#5i	123.45		"USC+**123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y40y00	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"(USC**123.45)"
+int_tstfmon_y42n21	%i	123.45		"USC +123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y42n21	%i	-123.45		"123.45 USC-"
+int_tstfmon_y42n21	%13i	123.45		"  USC +123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y42n21	%13i	-123.45		"  123.45 USC-"
+int_tstfmon_y42n21	%^=*#5i	123.45		"USC +**123.45"
+int_tstfmon_y42n21	%^=*#5i	-123.45		"     **123.45 USC-"

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