update charset aliases

Bruno Haible bruno@clisp.org
Mon Jun 16 14:58:00 GMT 2003

Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:

> Why do anyone need all these aliases?

We need them for interoperability. IANA is commonly accepted as a
source for charset names. Charset names that work on other systems
*and* are backed by a standard shouldn't fail with glibc iconv.

> Why not force everyone to use the same name for the same charset?

It doesn't work. Some vendors are not willing to give up their aliases.

> I do see the rationale for LATIN-9 in addition to ISO-8859-15, but I
> fail to see why ISO_8859-15 is needed.

The point of standards is that once a thing is standardized, everyone
accepts it. If you want to discuss the next future additions to the IANA
list, you can subscribe to the ietf-charsets at iana.org mailing list.


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