cvs build failure (x86, alpha, hppa...)

Kevin B. Hendricks
Mon Apr 21 12:15:00 GMT 2003


Thanks, I just grabbed it.

It will take a while to rebuild everything and get the new kernel going.
I will report back any issues, failures or successes.


On April 20, 2003 09:08 pm, Alan Modra wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 20, 2003 at 10:38:29AM -0400, Kevin B. Hendricks wrote:
> > I assume all I needed was the gcc-3.3-tls.diff.gz?
> Well, that's actually a fairly old tls-only patch that I haven't kept
> up to date.  Now removed to save further confusion..  You want the
> latest in gcc-3.3/, ie. currently gcc-20030405-ppc64.diff.gz.  The
> ppc64 patches won't break ppc32.
> > Is there a correct bootstrap order I need to use to move from non-tls 
> > toolchain to tls nptl toolchain?
> [snip]
> > or
> > 1. build binutils with old gcc3.2.2
> > 2. rebuild gcc with patches
> > 3. rebuild glibc cvs
> This one.  Install after each build, and ensure your path is set to
> pick up the new tools.  gcc "configure" won't enable tls support if
> gas and ld don't support tls.
> > Also are there any constaints on the order or tools to rebuild the 
> > Does the kernel have to build with newest binutils or gcc or ...?
> I don't think you need new tools to build the kernel.  Paul no doubt
> could give you exact versions required.
> -- 
> Alan Modra
> IBM OzLabs - Linux Technology Centre

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