Does remquo work?

Stephen L Moshier
Sun Jun 9 10:37:00 GMT 2002

Responding to an inquiry, I tried to use "remquo" in a sentence
and it doesn't seem to make sense.  The standard says (I think) that
along with the remainder it returns at least 3 low-order bits of the
integer-valued quotient.  So if you put, say, 4.1 in the denominator
and 7 * 4.1 in the numerator, the quotient should read 7.
Instead, it returns 2:

remquo(2.90000000e+01/4.10000000e+00) = 3.00000000e-01, quo = 2

(This is on x86, libc-2.2.5.)
Am I reading the spec wrongly, or is there a problem here?

extern double remquo(double x, double y, int *quo);

  double n, d, r;
  int q;

  n = 29.0;
  d = 4.1;
  r = remquo (n, d, &q);
  printf ("remquo(%.8e/%.8e) = %.8e, quo = %d\n", n, d, r, q);

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