Compilation error?

Andreas Schwab
Tue Dec 10 01:32:00 GMT 2002

"Bonzini" <> writes:

|> Compilation of the regex matcher from glibc 2.3 fails under SGI IRIX 6.5
|> with the native compiler.  The reported error is:
|> > cc-1119 c89: ERROR File = regcomp.c, Line = 2029
|> >   The "return" expression type differs from the function return type.
|> >
|> >               return *err = REG_ESPACE, NULL;
|> >                      ^
|> This is because the returned type for the function is a pointer to struct,
|> which is compatible with NULL but not with REG_ESPACE.  I ask to the ISO C
|> minds on whether gcc is misreporting the bug, and tell the
|> libc-alpha folks that I'll prepare a patch in a day or two.

This is obviously a bug in the sgi compiler.  The type of (*err =
REG_ESPACE) is completely irrelevant here, since it's the left operand of
a comma expression.


Andreas Schwab, SuSE Labs,
SuSE Linux AG, Deutschherrnstr. 15-19, D-90429 Nürnberg
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