chunk_free consolidate forward clarification ( was RE: malloc and threads)
Mathew, Tisson K
Mon Dec 2 15:07:00 GMT 2002
Looks like there is a bug in the chunk_free code in glibc 2.2.2 at
line:3131.When consolidating forward,
I think the code is consolidating an in-use block by looking at the
next+nextsz block's in_use_bit.
If the blocks are in the order [IN-USE] [IN-USE] [FREE]. If I'm freeing the
first IN-USE block ,
consolidate forward is consolidating the second [IN-USE] block by looking at
the [FREE] block's in-use bit.
Does anyone know if this bug is already reported and fixed?
Here is the code from glibc:2.2.2 , malloc.c
if (!(hd & PREV_INUSE)) /* consolidate backward */
prevsz = p->prev_size;
p = chunk_at_offset(p, -(long)prevsz);
sz += prevsz;
if (p->fd == last_remainder(ar_ptr)) /* keep as last_remainder */
islr = 1;
unlink(p, bck, fwd);
if (!(inuse_bit_at_offset(next, nextsz))) /* consolidate forward */
sz += nextsz;
if (!islr && next->fd == last_remainder(ar_ptr))
/* re-insert last_remainder */
islr = 1;
link_last_remainder(ar_ptr, p);
unlink(next, bck, fwd);
next = chunk_at_offset(p, sz);
set_head(next, nextsz); /* clear inuse bit */
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Jacobowitz []
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 9:10 AM
To: David Boreham
Subject: Re: malloc and threads
On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 09:07:58AM -0800, David Boreham wrote:
> > XScale is an ARM based processor
> Perhaps there is a bug in the XScale locking code
> or in the CPU hardware ?
Well, there are bugs in the ARM locking code. I recommend interested
parties look at the conversation between myself and Richard Earnshaw
about this on the gcc-patches list, on Oct. 4th-7th:
Subject: Atomic operations on the ARM
I don't believe it will affect malloc's use of locks; in short
test-and-set works but exchange-and-add is not atomic.
I'm not sure if compare_and_swap works correctly or not. A glance
suggests that it does not.
Daniel Jacobowitz
MontaVista Software Debian GNU/Linux Developer
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