[PATCH]:bindresvport should check /etc/services

Bonzini bonzini@gnu.org
Sun Dec 1 09:30:00 GMT 2002

> With this patch applied, no port will be found, if somebody uses 
> the /etc/services file from IANA. All ports below 1023 are official
> registered. There is no port reserved for RPC, so you have to find
> another solution.

http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers lists several unassigned
ports: here is an extract from the file.

# 	778-779    Unassigned
wpgs		780/tcp
wpgs		780/udp
#                          Josyula R. Rao <jrrao@watson.ibm.com>
#               781-785    Unassigned
#               786        Unassigned (Removed 2002-05-08)
#               787        Unassigned (Removed 2002-10-08)
#               788-799    Unassigned
mdbs_daemon	800/tcp	
mdbs_daemon	800/udp	
device		801/tcp
device		801/udp
#		802-809    Unassigned
fcp-udp		810/tcp    FCP
fcp-udp		810/udp    FCP Datagram
#			   Paul Whittemore <paul@softarc.com>
#		811-827    Unassigned
itm-mcell-s	828/tcp    itm-mcell-s
itm-mcell-s	828/udp    itm-mcell-s

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