make check problem at math in cvs glibc

Kevin Hendricks
Thu Sep 13 12:19:00 GMT 2001


> Nobody adjusted the libm errors for PPC.  The new tests are in for a
> long time.  Seems there is not much interest in this platform.

I guess you just forgot about all of the patches and support offered by 
Franz Sirl and the testing done by Jack Howarth for this "platform".

Hmm ...  could there be a little platform bias here?

No every one who cares about a platform has the time to constantly test 
every release of glibc on their platform. Many of us have other day jobs 
and other projects we contribute to.   I personally was waiting for a 
release of glibc 2.2.X that would "work" with the new gcc 3.X and 
provide full backward compatibility.


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