How to compile just a portion of glibc

Andreas Jaeger
Thu Oct 25 22:56:00 GMT 2001

"Dinesh Nadarajah" <> writes:

> Hi:
> I am trying to implement support for a new encoding in glibc. I have
> would like to test it but currently I compile and install using make |
> make install. This takes a very long time. I would like to compile
> just the iconv component and install that so that I can test the
> module before submission. Can someone point oit how I can accomplish
> that?

You have to compile everything first.

But if you make changes in just one directory use some of the
shortcuts e.g. make subdirs=iconv, or make iconv/subdir_lib (see the
make output) - but this only works after everything has been build

 Andreas Jaeger
  SuSE Labs

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