New libm-test-ulps file

Subhash Verma
Tue Oct 23 03:13:00 GMT 2001

Hi All! I'm working on writing 
test-suite for glibc being ported to a new processor.I need some guidance 
regarding the matter. Sice most of the test-files are processor/platform 
independent they don't require any addition expect "math" part which as per my 
understanding,requires a processor specific file containing all ULPs ( Units of 
Last Precision) called 
"libm-test-ulps", which lives in /sysdep/_machine_/fpu (_machine_ e.g. i386, 
ia64 etc). But to generate this file for new port (New libm-test-ulps 
file) it is required to have executable of the test-driver 
(test-double, test-float ..etc). By running this executable test-driver for each 
type of format(test-double* for double, test-float for float etc..) 
corresponding ULPs are generated and concatenated into a single file.I have 
tried with empty "libm-test-ulps" file for 
native build of i386 (just to have an 
idea) I am facing some problem to build test driver because they requires 
some files which are generated by another file "", and this file 
requires the files, and libm-test-ulps.So it is like a 
It is like this
----->libm-test.c     -----> -- | required 
   |______ libm-test-ulps 
----->libm-test-ulps.h --> __ 
|         | 
|                                                                                                                   |                                                                                                                                                           
|          (run with options "-u 
test-driver like test-double.c 
test-driver* (executable)<---------------------------------------- |              
ULPs are generated for double.similarly for other test-drivers ULPs are 
generated and   
concatenated into a file which is further processed by "" to 
-------------- new "libm-test-ulps" 
 So, for a new port, how this 
loop can be broken. I wanted to 
know. 1) how this file "libm-test-ulps" can be generated for a new 
port. 2) Any other file which is processor/platform dependent and so 
requires    some modification or addition to the test-suite for new 
port. 3) Any suggested test-case that can be added.
4) Please anybody could help me 
to understand, what exactly these ULPs are?
e.g. to test acos:
......................................................................... Test 
"cos (0.7) == 0.76484218728448842625585999019186495": double: 1 idouble: 
1 ildouble: 529 ldouble: 529
I mean , what these numbers 1,1, 
529,529 for double,idouble,ildouble, ldouble are signifying?
Test "cos (pi/2) == 0": double: 
0.2758 float: 0.3667 idouble: 0.2758 ifloat: 0.3667 ildouble: 
0.25 ldouble: 
0.25 ..........................................................
Thanks in advance.
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