Proposed change to fmemopen documentation (& semantics?) (fwd)
Robert Bernecky
Mon Jun 11 07:30:00 GMT 2001
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Robert Bernecky Snake Island Research Inc. 18 Fifth Street, Ward's Island
+1 416 203 0854 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2B9 Canada
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2001 12:44:16 -0400 (EDT)
From: Robert Bernecky <>
Cc: Robert Bernecky <>,
"John Gilmore (Secure Pointers)" <>,
Greg McGary <>, Tom Browder <>
Subject: Proposed change to fmemopen documentation (& semantics?)
I've been working on some minor cleanup to fmemopen (String Streams)
in glibc. The current documentation reads:
"If the opentype specifies append mode, then the
initial file position is set to the first null character in
the buffer. Otherwise the initial file position is at the
beginning of the buffer.
When a stream open for writing is flushed or closed, a null
character (zero byte) is written at the end of the buffer if it fits.
You should add an extra byte to the size argument to
account for this. Attempts to write more than size bytes to
the buffer result in an error."
a. Question: If opentype specifies append mode, but there is NO
null character in the buffer, what should fmemopen do?
I can see 3 options:
1. signal SIGSEGV
2. set the initial file position to "the beginning of the
3. set the initial file position to the end of the buffer
(i.e., (buffer + size - 1))
I have a vague preference for (1), as it will bring attention
to the fact that fmemopen really has no clue as to where to
start appending. The other choices mask the problem.
b. Question: The second paragraph says "...if it fits."
The last sentence there says "Attempts to write more than
size bytes to the buffer results in an error." Now, if
the null to be appended to the buffer doesn't fit, does
that count as an error, or is the append of the null simply
to be ignored? I don't really care (ISMOP), but it would
be nice if the documentation was explicit about the semantics
I've got my hands in fmemopen at present, so I'm able to make
minor semantic changes to match proposed documentation if
we can promptly agree on those semantics. I'll supply updated docn
text to match, too.
Robert Bernecky Snake Island Research Inc. 18 Fifth Street, Ward's Island
+1 416 203 0854 Toronto, Ontario M5J 2B9 Canada
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