Problem with per thread rpc context

H . J . Lu
Mon Jul 30 18:21:00 GMT 2001

Glibc 2.2.4 has the per thread rpc context for thread safe rpc. It
works if you don't want to share the rpc context. But in some cases,
you do want to share the rpc context among different threads, like
creating a rpc context in one thread, passing it around among threads
and finally destroying it in a different thread. This won't work with
the current glibc 2.2.4. I am wondering if other thread safe rpc
implementations support it or not. I need to get it to work with
glibc 2.2.4. I have 2 choices:

1. Modofy glibc so that I can undefine _RPC_THREAD_SAFE_ at the
compile time.
2. Modofy glibc so that it can be switched on/off at the run-time.

Any suggestions?



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