ATTENTION! Well-Paid Job in the Internet!
Sat Jul 7 12:54:00 GMT 2001
Title: ATTENTION! The Well-Paid Job in the Internet!
We wish You a pleasant and successful day! In Russian àMake money without leaving Your computer! If You show some interest and patience and understand as IT works, You can earn up to $100,000 and more!!! During the following 120 days - it depends only on You. DOES IT SEEMS TO BE IMPOSSIBLE?? Read this document to be sure there is no catch or deceit. If You are completely lazy - we beg Your pardon for the assumption!!!, then this is not for You!!! You'd better do something like surfing either clicking on banners or not doing anything at all. !!! If the offer hasn't interested You, we bring our apologies and it is not necessary to get angry - "Spam" has its expenses, just as radio and TV, but do not forget, that the first billionaire of the USA, Dale Carnegie said: "I'll better earn 1% as a result of the efforts of 100 men, than 100% as a result of my own efforts." RISE ON THE WAY TO THE FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE AND FREEDOM!!! Welcome to the 6 X 6 ! àIt is difficult to believe but nevertheless it is like that! People get richer and richer! Some of them can't recover from the shock which had come together with a heap of crust banknotes even some months later. While the others deliberate and doubt, people that believed in Business System 6X6 bathe now in money!... àIn view of prompt rates of development of the Internet and electronic commerce the number of users of the "World Wide Web" grows with the great speed. There are more than 15,000 new people who join the Internet daily... àCopyright é 2000 6x6 MLM Corporation. All rights reserved. Ladies and Gentlemen! ààPLEASE READ THOUGHTFULLY AND ATTENTIVELY, TRYING NOT TO DISTRACT YOUR ATTENTION WITH EXTERNAL NOISES AND IRRITANTS, AND YOU'LL UNDERSTAND WHAT WILL MAKE YOU RATHER RICH AND FREE PEOPLE!!! ààIt is difficult to believe but nevertheless it is like that! People get richer and richer! Some of them can't recover from the shock which had come together with a heap of crust banknotes even some months later. While the others deliberate and doubt, people that believed in Business System 6X6 bathe now in money! In a literal sense! Have You ever seen how the heap of the $5 bills under which the adult person entirelly finds room looks like?! It is 100 thousand dollars!!! Can You imagine how the heap of $1,000,000 which is earned by each third participant of the superprogram 6X6 looks like?! And what is the feeling when You, not getting troubled with work, start to receive envelopes with six dollars already on the second week and further the profit is much more! And eventually some months later You don't know how to get rid of the money! You even get a bit scary of this avalanches of the money!!! àALL THAT IT WILL NECESSARY TO DO - TO SEND THE ADVERTISING LETTERS VIA E-MAIL AND FROM TIME TO TIME TO CHECK YOUR MAILBOX OR TO GO TO THE BANK! YOU SHOULDN'T EVEN STRAIN THE BRAIN - THE SUPER COMPUTER BUSINESS SYSTEM 6X6 WILL MAKE EVERYTHING ITSELF!!! SINCE THE MOMENT YOU ENTER THIS BUSINESS YOUR PROFIT SNOWBALLS AND BY THE END OF 4TH MONTH YOU'LL GET AS MINIMUM $100,000. BUT IF YOU DON'T STOP THE RESULTS WILL BE ASTRONOMICAL - $1,000,000 FOR 1 YEAR!!!! "What is the secret of such dizzy success?" - You ask. This is because there is a new formula in the business system which provides all participants with 100%-s' success due to the account of such special factors which the human brain is simply not capable of grasping. Therefore this excellent program works! And it works brilliantly! This is a prodigy-system in which success is madly infectious! Hurry up to achieve the success too!!! àTRY YOURSELF!!! à&nbps; Have You ever wondered why the majority of people achieve nothing in life but only complain? This is because they are ready on a little in their life. They have a ready definitions on everything, but these definitions are formulated not by them and taken from the others. To have Your own opinion is a luxury and rarity. Those who are not afraid to try and work more than doubts very quickly appears at the top of the World! Yes, it is difficult to believe that it is possible to get rich so quickly, difficult to overcome the doubts and find Yourself suddenly fantastically rich. But believe if You will do it, it becomes Your blessing and Your dizzy success! You will not argue that You are worthy of big success and big richness, will You? And so it is vitally necessary for You to do this step to find the financial independence which will bring You co-operation with superprogram 6X6! Your time has come! à"Pair words about the system..." - an interview with Igor Tichtchenkov, the founder of the business system àà- In view of prompt rates of development of the Internet and electronic commerce the number of users of the "World Wide Web" grows with the great speed. There are more than 15,000 new people who join the Internet daily. With the growth of number of the Internet's users the number of different types of business programs also grows. Every day their popularity increases too and it is natural because the electronic commerce is the business of the 21st century. But business system 6X6 surpasses all others on some orders - it is possible to judge it by looking at the success it brings to all its participants. What is its advantage above the other business programs of similar type? Why does 6X6 bring success to all its participants - not only for its founder and the people who stand near him? - Yes, You are absolutely right about the prompt development of electronic commerce and the occurrence of many business systems similar to 6X6. Before the development of the program 6X6 I had closely studied all systems existing at concurrently and understood the way they had appeared. Probably everyone remembers those bonds which were so popular in 90-s. And so with the development of the Internet someone who knows nothing about computer technologies and of the principles of the "World Wide Web" simply transferred this program with bonds to the network. Yes, the idea is ingenious especially for those times - without the Internet You will hardly find 5 clients, in the network there are millions of users and it is possible to send thousands of advertising letters and find a lot of clients. But this system had setbacks: absence of the description of how to send a bulk mailing of advertising letters, where to take thousands of e-mail addresses etc. The most important deficiency was that this system was designed for extremely honest people. In the advertising letter there was a form similar to our business-table according to which the person who entered that business system had to buy its commodity units (each at the different participant). When he bought them he had to put his postal address for payment opposite to the first commodity unit and shift all other addresses one level below. If nobody supervised him he could change the table somehow. For example if he opened some P.O. boxes with various names at different post offices of the city and put the requisitions of these so-called "dead souls" to the table instead of the previous participants and the process stopped that way. Thus the system worked only at 100% at the first level, 1% -at the second, 0,1% - at the third and 0% at the fourth. Actually the profit came only from the first level, i.e. from direct sales. If You sent about 3,000 advertising letters per day You earned about $300 - $400 per month. But the idea of such kind of business systems - was to bring a maximum of the profit due to the last two levels, i.e. You send a party of letters, for example 10,000, receive 30 orders for the first level commodity unit and further the system works for You for several years. But many people earn these $300 - $400 per month sending 3,000 letters per day, having opened some P.O. boxes and put their requisitions everywhere where only it was possible. The commodity units also didn't contain useful information, excepting the names in the advertising letter. Therefore when You worked with such system You deceived the clients. Probably, there is no sense to describe all other similar kinds of business systems because they are the copies of previous in literal sense. All they appeared that way - the essence was copied and secondary factors such as the names of commodity units, ways of payment, the contents of the advertising letter etc. were changed. It is possible to tell one about all of them: they are "created" (if it is possible to apply this word to pure plagiarism) by amateurs, that are distant from business in general (what is electronic commerce - they simply don't know!) as well as from computer technologies. But the idea to create such business systems is genious. Especially at our time àa time of the cutting edge Internet development and electronic commerce. Excluding the deficiencies of this system it is invaluable! Can You imagine what will the Internet look like in five years! Even though the task was very difficult I developed such a business system. The absence of the description of how to send a bulk mailing of advertising letters, where to take thousands of e-mail addresses and other technical details, I compensated with a specially developed software for automation of this process, that allowed one to send 5,000 to 20,000 advertising letters per day having spent only 30-40 minutes of the time, and with the very detailed description of work with this software, written in language which is comprehensible for users of any level and a plenty of advices and recommendations. I managed to do two things at once: to considerably increase productivity of the business system and to make the commondity units not only useful - required for the every participant of the business system, because they contain this special software and the description of work with it. I stopped the dishonesty of participants by an obligatory registration at the main office of 6X6 MLM Corporation. Because the system does not break I have added 2 additional levels and now the system has 6 levels (and the commodity unit of every level costs $6 - therefore and the name "6X6"). I made a more flexible system of the payment for the orders. Now the commodity units can be paid both by the "traditional" first class mail and can be transferred on the bank account. But I forbade to specify P.O. boxes as the address for payment for avoidance of a deceit and that the business system don't lose its attractiveness. Proceeding from the same reasons I forbade WebMoney. I concluded the contract with iWin Loto Ltd. So with registration in our main office You are automatically included in a lottery and Your chances to win are directly proportional to the amount of sold Chapter#1. àThe responses of our partners ààMy name is Jerry Proctor. Two years ago, the corporation I worked at for the past fifteen years down-sized and my position was eliminated. After unproductive job interviews, I decided to open my own business. Over the past year, I incurred many unforeseen financial problems. I owed my family, friends and creditors over $35,000. The economy was taking a toll on my business and I just couldn't seem to make ends meet. I had to refinance and borrow against my home to support my family and struggling business. AT THAT MOMENT something significant happened in my life and I am writing to share the experience in hopes that this will change Your life FOREVER FINANCIALLY!!! In mid December, I received this program via e-mail. Six month's prior to receiving this program I had been sending away for information on various business opportunities. All of the programs I received, in my opinion, were not cost effective. They were either too difficult for me to comprehend or the initial investment was too much for me to risk to see if they would work or not. One claimed that I would make a million dollars in one year didn't tell me I'd have to write a book to make it! But like I was saying, in December of 1997 I received this program. I didn't send for it, or ask for it, they just got my name off a mailing list. THANK GOODNESS FOR THAT!!! After reading it several times, to make sure I was reading it correctly, I couldn't believe my eyes. Here was a MONEY MAKING PHENOMENON. I could invest as much as I wanted to start, without putting me further into debt. After I got a pencil and paper and figured it out, I would at least get my money back. But like most of You I was still a little skeptical and a little worried about the legal aspects of it all. So I checked it out with the U.S. Post Office (1-800-725-2161 24-hrs) and they confirmed that it is indeed legal! After determining the program was LEGAL and NOT A CHAIN LETTER, I decided "WHY NOT." Initially I sent out 30,000 e-mails. It cost me about $15 for my time on-line. The great thing about e-mail is that I don't need any money for printing to send out the program, and because all of my orders are fulfilled via e-mail, the only expense is my time. I am telling You like it is, I hope it doesn't turn You off, but I promised myself that I would not "rip-off" anyone, no matter how much money it cost me. In less than two weeks, I was starting to receive orders for CHAPTER#1. By January 13, I had received 36 orders for CHAPTER#1. Your goal is to "RECEIVE at least 30 ORDERS FOR CHAPTER#1" My first step in making $100,000 in 120 days was done. By January 30, I had received 246 orders for CHAPTER#2. Your goal is to "RECEIVE AT LEAST 150 ORDERS FOR CHAPTER#2. IF NOT, SEND OUT MORE PROGRAMS UNTIL YOU DO. ONCE YOU HAVE 150 ORDERS, THE REST IS EASY, RELAX, YOU WILL MAKE YOUR $100,000 GOAL." Well, I had 246 orders for CHAPTER#2, 96 more than I needed. So I sat back and relaxed. By March 30, of my e-mailing of 30,000, I received $118,000 with more coming in every day. I paid off ALL my debts and bought a much needed new car. Please take time to read this program, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER!!! Remember, it won't work if You don't try it. This program does work, but You must follow it EXACTLY! In order for this program to work, You must meet Your goal of 30+ orders for CHAPTER#1, and 150+ orders for CHAPTER#2 and You will make $100,000 or more in 120 days. I AM LIVING PROOF THAT IT WORKS!!! If You choose not to participate in this program, I am sorry. It really is a great opportunity with little cost or risk to You. If You choose to participate, follow the program and You will be on Your way to financial security. If You are a fellow business owner and are if financial trouble like I was, or You want to start Your own business, consider this a sign. I DID! Sincerely, Jerry Proctor. àThis program really works. I live outside the US, in Europe and at first I had doubts, I wasn't sure if it would work and so I didn't take it very seriously. But after a while I figured "Why not?". After all, I can't loose much. I sended the requests for the Chapters (I did everything just like I had to because I wanted to do everything right, so if it wouldn't work it wouldn't be my fault, but the program's) and waited. After a while the Chapters arrived by e-mail and I read them several times, they gave me precise information on how to let the program work and after I knew it all, I started my work. I started searching e-mail addresses everywhere (sites, magazines,...) and made long lists (I really enjoyed this because it was like a new hobby and I had nothing to loose). like crazy I started sending e-mail to people all over the world. I kept doing this and checked the mail every day. After two weeks orders started to arrive. I remember the moment when I went to the mailbox and I found the first order for Chapter#1. I just stood there for a moment and I said to myself: "this works, this thing f..... works!!!" I was so happy that I started sending even more e-mails. The next day, nothing in the mail, I thought "maybe this is it" and I was a bit dissapointed but the next day I received 3 orders for Chapter#1. I sended the Chapters to those people so they could start making money too (for them and for me). Two weeks later I was sitting almost 30 minutes a day before my computer sending Chapters to people that had ordered them. In these two weeks I received 39 orders for Chapter#1. Profit so far: about 240 dollars. After that orders came faster and faster, every week I got hundreds of orders and the dollars kept coming. In total I received 124'000 dollars. can You believe this??? Last week I bought a new motorcycle and I owe it all to this program. if You're reading this letter right now and You're not sure whether to participate or not I can only say one thing: TRY IT, You won't regret. This is Your chance, take it now or You will be sorry for the rest of Your live. H.J. Moines, France. àThe main reason for this letter is to convince You that this system is honest, lawful, extremely profitable, and is a way to get a large amount of money in a short time. I was approached several times before I checked this out. I joined just to see what one could expect in return for the minimal effort and money required. To my astonishment, I received $136,470 in the first 14 weeks, with money still coming in. Charles Morris, Esq. àNot being the gambling type, it took me several weeks to make up my mind to participate in this plan. But conservative that I am, I decided that the initial investment was so little that there was just no way that I wouldn't get enough orders to at least get my money back. Boy, was I surprised when I found my medium-size mailbox crammed with orders! For awhile, it got so overloaded that I had to start picking up my mail at the window. I'll make more money this year than any 10 years of my life before. The nice thing about this deal is that it doesn't matter where people live. There simply isn't a better investment with a faster return. Paige Willis, Des Moines, IA. àI had received this program before. I deleted it, but later I wondered if I shouldn't have given it a try. Of course, I had no idea who to contact to get another copy, so I had to wait until I was e-mailed another program, ...11 months passed then it came... I didn't delete this one! I made more than $141,000 on the first try!! Violet Wilson, Johnstown, PA. àThis is my third time to participate in this plan. We have quit our jobs, and will soon buy a home on the beach and live off the interest on our money. The only way on earth that this plan will work for You is if You do it. For Your sake, and for Your family's sake don't pass up this golden opportunity. Good luck and happy spending! Kerry Ford, Centerport, NY. We wait for Your responses. Send them to the main office. What is the 6X6? ààSo, letÃÂs start earning heaps of money without leaving the house! "This is my chance!", - You exclaim having realized that is not necessary to go anywhere and to persuade somebody - only send advertising letters and receive profits! "And what is necessary to do for this purpose?" - the question is inevitable. Earning a heap of money - from $100,000 up to $1,000,000 - for the beginning You must be registered at the main office of the 6X6 MLM Corporation and receive a personal registration number. Having entered in 6X6, You become the distributor of the Chapters - detailed descriptions of work with business system 6X6 and optimization the computer. Clients of Your business become the people that will be interested in these Chapters. And the Chapters should interest them! People will be interested in business itself and all this is a guaranty that people certainly shall respond to Your letter. What is this letter? This is the advertising letter which You'll receive from the main office of the 6X6 MLM Corporation after the registration (it differs from the letter which You are reading now by the presence of Your registration number in the business table). You simply send it to a lot of people. How to find the endless amount of e-mails, how automatically send the advertising letter to them and many other things You will find out in the Chapters. If You are worried where to find so many e-mail addresses donÃÂt bother. There are more than 15,000 new people connecting to the Internet daily!!! It'll be enough for everybody!!! After You send the application for registration, a letter will be sent to You, containing: 1) Your registration number, 2) The advertising letter with Your registration number in the business table. In the future You'll send this letter to thousands of recipients, 3) Postal addresses or bank accounts of other participants of the business system. It is necessary for You to order the Chapters from them, each Chapter from different participant (excepting the Master) according to the deciphered business table, that You had an opportunity to sell them to the customers. Together with it You will also receive other instructions. Well the thing You'll have to do now is to catch the essence of the algorithm below. So, You have all Chapters and You have to send the letter which contains the foreword to these surprising Chapters as the advertisement. Having read it, the person who has received the letter from You will certainly want to enter to the business system 6X6 and read all Chapters. But even if suddenly he will not want to read the Chapters he'll certainly become interested in a unique opportunity to earn millions practically without any expenses, both on money and on time! I agree, it is just impossible to refuse it! Approximately in 2 weeks from the date of Your first mailing You will receive orders for the first Chapter and a payment for it ($6 for each Chapter) from 30 persons or even more. Thus, Your first income will be $180 or more. This is only the beginning! At registration You will be automatically included in a lottery from iWin Lotto - one of the most popular companies engaged in lotto-business in the World, the main prize is $5,000,000 (it is also played 5 prizes on $1,000,000, 100 prizes on $100,000 and more than 5,000 branded T-shirts from 6X6 MLM Corp., draws are carried out every month) àas much orders You get on Chapter#1, as much chances to win the main prize. Do You see?!!! All that is required of You is to send more advertising letters. All Your work will be to go to the bank from time to time or check Your mailbox for cash, and at home, in silence to count up everytime increasing profit! The guarantor of Your dizzy success and reliable ally becomes the most grandiose in the world computer superprogram 6X6!!! àTHE CHAPTERS ààThe Chapters are the most detailed description of the business system 6X6, they are advices about the way to optimize the work with the system and adjust the computer for it. Having read them You will understand how to improve a connection with the Internet, how to find 5,000 to 20,000 e-mail addresses per day, to sort them, to send 5,000 to 20,000 advertising letters per day, how to increase productivity of the computer on 50% and many others interesting things, not applying special efforts. The Chapters are written in language that is clear for the users of any levels, therefore for working with the business system 6X6 You don't need to be a programmer or even have computer experience. Moreover, if You have begun to work with the computer just yesterday and don't know anything about it, You should read attentively the Chapters and work some time with the business system 6X6. Thus You will soon become an advanced user who knows everything about Windows and the Internet. In addition You also get the special software with each Chapter that is necessary for work and certain amount of e-mail addresses. The list of the Chapters: Chapter#1 ÃÂIntroduction to business system 6ÃÂ6. Optimization of the Internet connection. How to use the Internet much more effectively.à+20,000 e-mails +software for automatic reconnecting to the Internet and its complete description. Chapter#2 ÃÂHow to find 5,000 to 20,000 e-mails per day, working about 30-40 minutes.à+10,000 e-mails +software for automatic inclusion/deenergizing of the program for e-mails searching at connection/break of connection with the Internet described in the previous Chapter. Chapter#3 ÃÂHow to sort e-mails.à+10,000 e-mails +software for automatic e-mails searching described in the previous Chapter. Chapter#4 ÃÂHow to send 5,000 to 20,000 thousand advertising letters per day, working the same 30-40 minutes.à+10,000 e-mails +software for fast e-mails sorting described in the previous Chapter. Chapter#5 ÃÂThe most effective algorithm of the work with the business system 6X6.à+80,000 e-mails (!) +software for automatic sending a huge amount of the advertising letters with attachments described in the previous Chapter. Chapter#6 ÃÂOptimize Your computer, raise its productivity on 50%.à+100,000 e-mails (!) +the server part of the software for automatic sending a huge amount of the advertising letters with attachments. THE RULES OF THE PARTICIPATION IN THE BUSINESS SYSTEM 6X6 ààThe terms: The master àIgor Tichtchenkov, the founder of the business system; referrer àthe participant of 6X6 from that You have received this advertising letter and should order the Chapter; client àthe owner of e-mail address where You send the advertising letter; referral àthe participant of 6X6 who has ordered from You the Chapter. How does the business system 6X6 work ààThe following system was developed to earn not only from the direct sales (i.e. when You sell the Chapter#1 to Your referrals) but also from the sales of the referrals (i.e. when Your referrals bring to You buyers on Chapter#2 - Chapter#6). There is a following table (so-called the business table) in the advertising letter: Chapter#1...............referrer nr.1 Chapter#2...............referrer nr.2 Chapter#3...............referrer nr.3 Chapter#4...............referrer nr.4 Chapter#5...............referrer nr.5 Chapter#6...............referrer nr.6 Opposite to each Chapter there is the essential elements of different participants, i.e. You will buy the Chapter#1 from referrer nr.1, Chapter#2 from referrer nr.2, Chapter#3 from referrer nr.3, Chapter#4 from referrer nr.4, Chapter#5 from referrer nr.5, Chapter#6 from referrer nr.6. When You will be registered You'll receive the advertising letter with the business table changed as follows: Chapter#1...............You Chapter#2...............referrer nr.1 Chapter#3...............referrer nr.2 Chapter#4...............referrer nr.3 Chapter#5...............referrer nr.4 Chapter#6...............referrer nr.5 Then You begin to send the advertising letter with such business table. I.e. Your referrals will buy the Chapter#1 from You, Chapter#2 from referrer nr.1, Chapter#3 from referrer nr.2, Chapter#4 from referrer nr.3, Chapter#5 from referrer nr.4, Chapter#6 from referrer nr.5. Your referrals nr.1 (they who will buy Chapter#1 from You) will get similarly transformed business table: Chapter#1...............referral nr.1 Chapter#2...............You Chapter#3...............referrer nr.1 Chapter#4...............referrer nr.2 Chapter#5...............referrer nr.3 Chapter#6...............referrer nr.4 Then they begin to send the advertising letter with such business table. I.e. their referrals nr.1 (Your referrals nr.2) will buy the Chapter#1 from them (from Your referrals nr.1), Chapter#2 from You, Chapter#3 from referrer nr.1, Chapter#4 from referrer nr.2, Chapter#5 from referrer nr.3, Chapter#6 from referrer nr.4. And etc... Thus Your referrals involve the clients to the Chapter#1 for themselves and also involve the clients to the other Chapters for You. That means that a direct task of each participant of business system 6X6 - to get as more as possible orders for Chapter#1. Let's just count up how much money You will earn if each participant involves 10 referrals nr.1: You......................10 X $6 = $60 Your referrals nr.1...10 X 10 X $6 = $600 Your referrals nr.2...10 X 10 X 10 X $6 = $6,000 Your referrals nr.3...10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X $6 = $60,000 Your referrals nr.4...10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X $6 = $600,000 Your referrals nr.5...10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 X $6 = $6,000,0000 Total You will earn $6,666,660! The figure is not small and therefore You may have doubts. - Try to figure Yourself and You'll get the same result! Protection against the fraud ààThe following protection was developed to exclude breaking of the system. In the advertising letter there is such business table: Chapter#1...............reg. nr. of the 1st referrer Chapter#2...............reg. nr. of the 2nd referrer Chapter#3...............reg. nr. of the 3rd referrer Chapter#4...............reg. nr. of the 4th referrer Chapter#5...............reg. nr. of the 5th referrer Chapter#6...............reg. nr. of the 6th referrer The client who has received this advertising letter knows only registration numbers of the referrers from that he must buy the Chapters. He can't buy all their Chapters directly because he doesn't know their requisitions. Further he registers at the main office of 6X6 MLM Corporation and gets: 1) His registration number; 2) Addresses and bank accounts of all referrers at that he must buy the Chapters; 3) The advertising letter with the changed business table likes that: Chapter#1...............His reg. nr. Chapter#2...............reg. nr. of the 1st referrer Chapter#3...............reg. nr. of the 2nd referrer Chapter#4...............reg. nr. of the 3rd referrer Chapter#5...............reg. nr. of the 4th referrer Chapter#6...............reg. nr. of the 5th referrer buys all of the Chapters and begins to send this letter. Due to this protection he can't stop the process and leave their own referrers without their profit. The process can be stopped only if their requisitions will not be in the business table. It is possible only if he will replace requisitions of all five referrers with his requisitios. But he can't do that because for this purpose it will come to register 6 times, whereas it is possible to register only once. àARE YOU READY TO START WITH THE BUSINESS SYSTEM 6X6! LET'S START! ààAttention! There is an enormous amount of referrals who enter the business system 6X6 and that's why from the 1st of September 2000 the registration costs $5. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: a) Register at the main office of 6X6 MLM Corporation: 1) Write on a sheet of paper: 1) Your name; 2) Your postal address for payment; 3) Your bank account for payment (optional) ; 4) Your e-mail - write legibly and use it only for communication with the main office; 5) The business table which is below; 6) The date. 2) Put $5 in this sheet of paper and send by the first class mail to the 6x6 MLM Corporation's main office: Igor Tichtchenkov, Laanemere 20-96, 13913 Tallinn, Estonia. 3) Within one week You'll receive (via e-mail You have written in the registration form) the letter containing: 1) Your registration number; 2) Addresses of the referrers from that You should buy the Chapters; 3) The advertising letter with Your registration number for mailing; 4) The instructions that is necessary for beginning. b) Buy all of the Chapters according to the business table: Chapter Nr. Referrer's reg. nr. Chapter#1 6x6-000000-z-001 Chapter#2 Master 6x6 Chapter#3 Master 6x6 Chapter#4 Master 6x6 Chapter#5 Master 6x6 Chapter#6 Master 6x6 THE NOTE! If several or even all registration numbers are "Master 6X6" - there isn't any mistake. When You join You'll be at the begining of the system and undoubtedly earn the enormous amount of money! Your chances to the success are maximal! As soon as You do this, start sending the advertising letters (more detailed information about the way to do it You will find at the Chapters). In general You should involve about 30 referrals - i.e. to sell 30 Chapters #1. But the more referrals You involve the more Your profit will be! Try to send 3,000 or more advertising letters per day - it is very easy to do with the special software which You'll get together with the Chapters. If You can send more - do it! Remember as many advertising letters You send the more orders You will get! The entire process lasts approximately for 4 months. If You precisely follow all the rules, You undoubtedly will be the owner of several hundreds thousand dollars! We know that it will be like that and we congratulate You!!! And now let's start! We wish You Great Success!!!
ààCopyright é 2000 6x6 MLM Corporation. All rights reserved. ÃÂÃ¥ëàÃ¥ì ÃÂàì ïðèÿòÃÂîãî è óñïÃ¥øÃÂîãî äÃÂÿ! In English àÃÂòî çàðàáîòîê áÃ¥ç îòðûâàîò ìîÃÂèòîðà! ÃÂ
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