2.2.1test Results

Art Haas arthur.haas@westerngeco.com
Tue Jan 9 09:42:00 GMT 2001


I've built the test release with both gcc-2.95.2 and yesterday's gcc
snapshot. System configuration is i686-pc-linux-gnu, running 2.2.14-6.1.1
kernel (RedHat 6.2). I'm using binutils.

The test release built cleanly, but I do see one error in the test suite.

make[2]: *** [/home/cs004/gnu/glibc-snapbuild/rt/tst-aio6.out] Error 1

$ cat rt/tst-aio6.out
aio_suspend() didn't return -1

This error happened with both compilers. There was one other thing that
seemed to run correctly, but I'll pass it along in case I'm mistaken.
This message was in in `./elf/neededtest4.out' ...

Rename neededobj5.so
Loading shared object neededobj6.so
/home/cs004/gnu/glibc-snapbuild/elf/neededobj5.so: cannot load shared
object file: No such file or directory
Loading shared object neededobj1.so

Other than that, this test release seemed to build and test fine.

Thanks for all the work in glibc.

# Art Haas
# (713) 689-2417

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