Patch - login/Makefile

Greg Schafer
Thu Dec 13 04:39:00 GMT 2001

Thorsten wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 13, Greg Schafer wrote:
> > Hello
> > 
> > Just a tiny one. When installing from scratch into a clean
> > chroot environment the system isn't able to figure out who
> > user 'root' is resulting in the failure to install the
> > pt_chown program.
> Then you make something wrong. At this time you should already have
> a /etc/passwd, even in the chroot environment.

Yes, that is correct, keeping in mind that at this stage I don't have
a glibc installed yet, just a bunch of statically linked tools. Hmm,
wonder what else it is that I'm missing?

/bin/install -c -m 4755 -o root /usr/src/glibc-build/login/pt_chown /usr/lib/pt_chown
/bin/install: invalid user `root'
make[2]: [/usr/lib/pt_chown] Error 1 (ignored)

I have no name!:/usr/src/glibc-build# cat /etc/passwd .


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