[libc-alpha] linuxthreads bug in 2.2.4 under ppc linux

Kevin B. Hendricks kevin.hendricks@sympatico.ca
Sun Dec 9 00:34:00 GMT 2001

Hi Franz,

I had no idea so much changed between -O2 and -O3.  One significant 
difference in that all of the wait_node_dequeue and wait_node_free are 
actually inlined into the -O3 version and pretty much get integrated in 
while they stay as separate routines in -O2.

This is going to be hard to compare.


On December 8, 2001 07:46, Franz Sirl wrote:
> On Saturday 08 December 2001 21:04, Kevin B. Hendricks wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > As the fates always seem to determine.
> >
> > If I build glic-2.2.4 with -g -O1 -DDEBUG=1 it now won't segfault
> > anymore.
> >
> :-(. Though this would possibly point to some missing barrier in the
> : threads
> code if less scheduling fixes it. Well, try with -O2 -g, a bit harder to
> debug though (you can play with -fno-schedule-insns and
> -fno-schedule-insns-2 too). BTW, leaving out -DNDEBUG=1 already switchea
> on the assertions, whereas -DDEBUG=1 enables extra debugging stuff
> (maybe the extra debugging stuff lets the bug go away?).
> Franz.

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