linuxthreads bug in 2.2.4 under ppc linux

Kevin B. Hendricks
Fri Dec 7 21:51:00 GMT 2001


I recently upgraded to glibc-2.2.4 and seem to have run into a 
linuxthreads problem under PPC Linux.

This problem is very timing dependent.  It does not happen every time but 
after 10 or 20 attempts with the code, I can get it usually get it to 
segfault and the segfault always happens in the exact same place.

Here is an quick analysis of the problem:

(#0  0xfdcce70 in __pthread_alt_unlock () at eval.c:88
#1  0xfdc895c in pthread_mutex_unlock () at eval.c:88
#2  0xfe680d4 in ChildStatusProc ()
   from /src2/openoffice-641c/solver/641/
#3  0xfe667e4 in oslWorkerWrapperFunction ()
   from /src2/openoffice-641c/solver/641/
#4  0xfdc7448 in pthread_start_thread () at eval.c:88
#5  0xfafe5a8 in clone () at eval.c:88

We are using normal mutexes here.

Based on dissassembling the code, the problem is here in

void __pthread_alt_unlock(struct _pthread_fastlock *lock);

After the test to see if the node was abandoned:

 if (p_node->abandoned) {
        /* Remove abandoned node. */

 It turns out it was not and the else clause is invoked and the following 
code is run:

     } else if ((prio = p_node->thr->p_priority) >= maxprio) {
        /* Otherwise remember it if its thread has a higher or equal 
           compared to that of any node seen thus far. */
        maxprio = prio;
        pp_max_prio = pp_node;
        p_max_prio = p_node;

But the wait_node structure being looked at had all 0 values

In the code r4 is the address of the fastlock and its status value is 
0x0fb57250 which is the pointer to the wait_node.

(gdb) x/10 $r4
0x7fffd3a4:     0x0fb57250      0x0fde66cc      0x0fb56e40      0x7fffd3c0
0x7fffd3b4:     0x0fdc8588      0x0fde66cc      0x0fb57250      0x7fffd3d0
0x7fffd3c4:     0x0fdc895c      0x0fb5f974

Unfortunately the wait node itself is all zeros (pnode->abandoned was 0 
but also the thr and next pointers were 0.

(gdb) x/10 $r11
0xfb57250 <main_arena+1040>:    0x00000000      0x00000000      0x00000000 

This results in a segfault trying to access the p_priority of a 0 thr 
pointer at 0xfdcce70 since r9 is 0 (the thr value).

0xfdcce6c <__pthread_alt_unlock+240>:   lwz     r9,4(r11)
0xfdcce70 <__pthread_alt_unlock+244>:   lwz     r0,88(r9)
0xfdcce74 <__pthread_alt_unlock+248>:   cmpw    r0,r6
0xfdcce78 <__pthread_alt_unlock+252>:
    blt 0xfdcce88 <__pthread_alt_unlock+268>

So the question is is this a legal state?  

Is it possible to have a nonzero status in a fastlock but the wait_node it 
points at is all zeros.  

If so we should see if check to make sure the thr pointer is not zero 
before trying to access its fields.

I am sorry I can't be more help here but the code in spinlock.c seems to 
be much more complicated that the old way mutexes were done under earlier 
glibc-2.2 releases.

I see lots of reservation lock pairs (lwarx stwcx.) used through the code 
I disassembled.  I am very unsure if the proper syncs and isyncs 
(BARRIERS) are being used here.

Here are 3 examples taken from this routine that all all different in 
their use of sync and isync.

(this one does no sync to start)

    bde0:       7d 20 20 28     lwarx   r9,r0,r4
    bde4:       7d 69 4a 79     xor.    r9,r11,r9
    bde8:       40 82 00 0c     bne-    bdf4 <__pthread_alt_unlock+0x78>
    bdec:       7c 00 21 2d     stwcx.  r0,r0,r4
    bdf0:       40 a2 ff f0     bne-    bde0 <__pthread_alt_unlock+0x64>
    bdf4:       4c 00 01 2c     isync

(this one does a sync to start and an isync after)

    be38:       7c 00 04 ac     sync
    be3c:       7d 20 50 28     lwarx   r9,r0,r10
    be40:       7c 09 4a 79     xor.    r9,r0,r9
    be44:       40 82 00 0c     bne-    be50 <__pthread_alt_unlock+0xd4>
    be48:       7d 60 51 2d     stwcx.  r11,r0,r10
    be4c:       40 a2 ff f0     bne-    be3c <__pthread_alt_unlock+0xc0>
    be50:       4c 00 01 2c     isync

(this one does a sync to start but no isync after) 

    bf38:       7c 00 04 ac     sync
    bf3c:       7d 20 18 28     lwarx   r9,r0,r3
    bf40:       7c 09 4a 79     xor.    r9,r0,r9
    bf44:       40 82 00 0c     bne-    bf50 <__pthread_alt_unlock+0x1d4>
    bf48:       7d 80 19 2d     stwcx.  r12,r0,r3
    bf4c:       40 a2 ff f0     bne-    bf3c <__pthread_alt_unlock+0x1c0>
    bf50:       7d 20 4b 78     mr      r0,r9

My (limited) understanding of this is that you when you grab a lock you 
use the lwarx,stwcx pair and follow it by an isync.  When you write 0 to a 
lock to free it you do a sync first and then simply write it.  Therefore I 
think the last one that does a sync before the reservation but no isync 
after is wrong.

Maybe Geoff or Franz or David knows for sure.

Any guidance on how to address this would be greatly appreciated.



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