Software floating-point emulation (glibc/soft-fp)

Subhash Verma
Thu Dec 6 05:02:00 GMT 2001

Hi All,
I am trying to build the glibc that uses softfloat and I need some guidance on the following matter.

1.for a processor who doesn't have Floating Point Unit (H/w support) , how the software floating point emulation can (glibc/soft-fp) be build in glibc.
   I mean, how to configure/make glibc for this.

2. In this situation (configuring glibc with software floating support) , what are the minimum files will be required to be implemented ( e.g., the floating-point environment routines whose names start with 'f' like sysdeps/_Target_/fpu/feclrexct.c, fedisblxcpt.c..etc.) and assuming that I will be using standard implementations for all math operations i.e., libm-ieee754 routines.

3. If these files are required and if target doesn't have Floating Point Status Register (unlike to ARM who has FPSR register ), what could be done to implement those routines which uses FPSR.
Thanks in advance.

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