Commented Open PRs

Mark Kettenis
Thu Jul 13 08:18:00 GMT 2000

   From: Andreas Jaeger <>
   Date: 13 Jul 2000 16:31:19 +0200

   I've gone through all open bug reports for glibc and closed some of
   them.  For the rest I've added some comments.  I've made a HTML page
   and uploaded the page to < >.

Thanks for doing this.

   Could you please look at the reports, send me your comments - and fix
   all open reports ;-) ?

>From the web page:

   1638 libc     libc-2.1.2     Noncr    libc-gn$ open    doc-bug  David Madore    The O_NOLINK flag for open() is in the doc but not in headers 

   How shall we name the Hurd? - the "GNU system" is confusing. 

We cannot call Linux *the* GNU system since it has arbitrary limits :-).

But seriously, there are several places where the term is used
throughout the documentation.  We could of course be more specific in
those places (the GNU systems vs. a Hurd-based GNU system vs. a
Linux-based GNU system), but we could also say somewhere in the
introduction that not all features of *the* GNU system are present in a
Linux-based GNU system, and perhaps add an appendix describing the
different feautures of Linux.

I'm volunteering to write that short intro (which will of course be a
shameless plug for the Hurd :-)), and make a start with the
Linux-specific appendix, if people think this is a good idea.


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